Kamala Harris: Democrats' Next Dirty Open Secret

America had a good laugh watching Democrats pretend that Joe Biden didn’t suffer from brain damage. But then the obvious truth hit.

While Democrats forced Old Joe out of the campaign for showcasing his insufficient brain function, he still dodged more than a few open secret bullets.

First, Biden should be removed immediately due to the 25th Amendment. And there is no reasonable argument to the contrary. Special Counsel Robert Hur decided not to prosecute Biden due to Biden being too old and feeble to prosecute. So yet another obvious truth is evident, yet there seems to be no clamor from the Left to finish the job and send Bien into political oblivion.

Second, Biden avoided prosecution for obvious crimes. Joe Biden remains one of the most corrupt politicians ever, and the evidence against him is truly enormous. Biden is undoubtedly guilty of crimes against America, and those crimes are not only not recognized by the Left, but also wholly ignored.

Third, Biden is a proven, repeat, proven pathological liar. Again, Americans and particularly Democrats know Biden’s history of lying about everything. The man is truly an equal opportunity liar as he takes any and all opportunities to lie. When did Biden start lying? When he first learned to speak.

Fourth, Biden exudes obvious incompetence. It oozes from every pore of his body and smells like Shrek. I can’t honestly think of any policy issue where Biden was successful.

These truths we hold to be self-evident; that all men are…well, you know the thing!

Nothing new about Biden and other Leftists.

Before we get to Kamala Harris, let’s look at other Leftist with open secrets.

Harvey Weinstein, the Hollywood career sexual abuser was well-known by many Leftists for decades. And when he was finally outed, suddenly Democrats admitted to knowing the real deal.

Jeffrey Epstein, the Leftist multi-millionaire financier was a known pedophile. And despite that despicable moniker none of Epstein’s jet-set friends abandoned him, until his open secret imploded on him.

Most recently, Diddy was outed. The Leftist career criminal brutalized men and women, and like his aforementioned brethren did so with impunity for decades.

Democrats don’t even bother hide their dirt, since most of them are content to overlook it. And Harris’ dirt is equally an open secret.


The party who can’t define women sound the battle cry of the “first Black/Asian female VP”. Now that Harris ripped the baton from Biden’s hand, she abandons all reasons and looks mainly at white men as her running mate.

Surprised? Nobody should be, particularly given her choice of husband.


After experimenting with Montel Williams and the very married Willie Brown, Harris chose a white man to marry. The safe bet.

Interesting that her choice of running mate reflects her “safe” values Meanwhile, she abandoned women, Blacks and Asians when she had the opportunity to elevate.

Harris is nothing if not predictable. She’s a failure, and not ready for the big league.

Her policy failures are too numerous to mention, and the border fiasco only begins to highlight them. Worse, she jumps to the wrong conclusion immediately.

Take the Jussie Smollett situation.


Next, she sided with BLM, and even raised money for the terror group. And while Democrats work diligently to remove evidence of this from the internet, Harris has never backtracked on her comments or efforts.

Harris’ past is riddled with horrible knee-jerk decisions. She is the last person who should be in charge of this country.

Thankfully, Trump will win the presidency, because Harris is just another open secret of Democrats. But the fact that Democrats support these blatant frauds is a scary thought.


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