Trump's Legacy Caused the Unintended Laugh Line on CNN

Donald Trump will be remembered for many things, but one thing Trump accomplished reveals itself routinely.

Just under a decade ago, Trump coined the term “fake news”, and the media fought back. “News” organizations tried to paint Trump as a misinformation monger, even tracking what they deemed were his many lies. But Trump persevered. And frankly, he won.

Millions fewer Americans trust the news than before Trump made his declaration. And in what was undoubtedly a telling moment for Leftists, host Caitlin Collins from “the most trusted name in news” got embarrassed on The Colbert Show.

Watch this audience reaction that caught both Collins and Colbert by surprise:

Even an audience of Leftists knows the truth when they hear it. So when Colbert makes his statement about CNN.

Colbert says, “I know you guys are objective over there, and just report the news as it is”, and the audience interrupted with laughter. The scene reminded me of Colbert old show where he would deliver laugh lines like that with regularity. But he’s so far gone, he doesn’t recognize that he has become a caricature of his old character.

When Colbert missed the mark, the audience obliged. They didn’t need a laugh-Trak or a neon sign that read “Applause”. Reflexively, they laughed at the idea of CNN being objective.

I love this GIF that serves as a reminder that Americans know the punchline of a joke, even if the “comedian” doesn’t.

If a Leftist audiences understands that outlets like CNN are anything but objective, how do you think the general public feels?

What’s happened to late night?

How desperate must Democrats be to bring on a cable news TV host to fill a late-night talk show spot? Are there not enough “stars” ready to do Kamala Harris’ bidding?

I don’t watch any late night TV, and haven’t in years. But they are supposed to have guest who matter. The problem is that few people matter any more.

What the audience revealed is deeper than just a slap to CNN.

Late-night drifted into indoctrination years ago. Caitlin Collins is a joke, thus the audience laughter. She hasn’t done enough in journalism to get a seat at the table. But Colbert and his ilk can’t get guests who matter. Who next? Hillary Clinton.

Shows like Colbert’s are taking nose-dives and have been for years, as has Hollywood, woke sports, awards shows, and political Leftists. The only thing propping up Leftism is fake polls.

Trump torpedoed more than the media

Trump challenged the media, Hollywood, woke sports, woke capitalists, the establishment, and much more. And the audiences’ laughter and all the indicators I mentioned, underscore the real sentiment in America.

As you consider this, ask yourself about the remake of Kamala Harris. What would the audience say about Harris if Colbert were to refer to her as more popular than 2008 Obama? Because that’s how Harris is being presented by many.

What would the audience have said pre-coup, if Colbert had alluded that Biden was still the 81 million vote man?

Democrats can’t keep this Kabuki Theater act going on much longer, as clearly America recognizes the BS. But if you think that the narrative derailed on Colbert, just wait until Kamala Harris gets in front of the public.

Prominent Democrats have warned the Democrats of their inevitable future. Both David Axelrod and James Carville know that Harris is at her height this point. And over the next few weeks, her poll numbers will drop like a rock.

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