How sad for Democrats that Kamala Harris represents the best they can do. Although the media will present a very different narrative, the Democrat convention failed miserably.
A writer for News week lamented about Kamala Harris’ convention speech, and wrote the following:
I held out hope that at least Harris’s own speech would develop her economic vision and present struggling Americans with a significant choice between Trump’s protectionism and the distributionist model Harris laid out in her speech. But her campaign has already started backing off her promise to use price controls to tame inflation, and her DNC address was completely devoid of any policy whatsoever.
It was instead a list of platitudes: “I will be a president who unites us around our highest aspirations.”
“A strong middle class has always been critical to America’s success, and building that middle class will be a defining goal of my presidency.”
“I know we can live up to our proud heritage as a nation of immigrants and reform our broken immigration system.”
“America, let us show each other and the world who we are and what we stand for: freedom, opportunity, compassion, dignity, fairness and endless possibilities.”
Surprise. Harris has already shifted her position on “price controls to tame inflation”. Why? Two reasons.
- Because price controls won’t tame inflation.
- The policy position didn’t poll well.
The truth is all Harris’ campaign has to offer are slogans. Because Harris’ actual positions are either stolen from Trump, have been tried and failed, or are being flatly rejected.
Even funnier, let’s examine Harris’ platitudes.
A president who unites? Biden-Harris has been one of the most divisive administrations in history, perhaps second only to that of Obamas. Harris-Walz could potentially supersede both of these.
A strong middle class? Biden-Harris practically ruined the middle class with their inflationary policies. Savings depleted, credit card debt soaring, the middle class lies in triage, as Biden-Harris tout their “data” as a counter argument to Americans’ realities.
Reform our immigration system? She refers to the immigration system that Biden-Harris broke.
Trump reformed Obama’s broken immigration system that allowed an invasion. Upon his appointment as “president”, Biden destroyed a working immigration system that almost stopped the illegal flow, and emphasized reforming the legal immigration system. Harris was given specific responsibility for the border and she blew it. Double-entendre intended.
Finally, the writer reference all the buzzwords of feckless politicians like Harris: “freedom, opportunity, compassion, and endless possibilities”. This from the administration who took more freedom Americans than any administration in history. Further, Biden-Harris stripped Americans of opportunity with their Draconian policies that drove up inflation to untenable levels. And what compassion? Sufferers of Biden-Harris policies were told to “suck it up”.
The only endless possibilities offered by Biden-Harris is “How would you like to commit suicide? By tax or by vax?”
Policy positions.
Harris has one policy position: say whatever it takes to get elected.
Harris’ first policy position was to attempt to steal one of Trump’s positions. Trump touted “no tax on tips”. And unbelievably Harris adopted this position, and actually tried to present it as her own. Next, she attempted to one-up JD Vance, when he mentioned the $5,000 child care credit. The blowback happened so swiftly that Harris seemed to back away from both of these, and offered her first real policy position: price controls to combat inflation.
And just as quickly as Harris proposed this communist tactic, she backed off. I can hardly wait to hear her next idiotic policy that will get ripped apart.
Harris challenges.
I saw Trump discussing “no tax on tips”, essentially reclaiming it. I know this is a setup for Harris, as he will debate her on who started it and who tried to steal it during the upcoming debate. Speaking of which, if you think Harris is struggling now, wait until you see her debate performance.
The gravy train is over for Harris. No real convention bounce should be expected, though the Leftist narrative will be different. As the polls slip for Harris, Democrats will become more desperate, and Harris will do what she always does; end up on her back, tapping out.