Democrats Admit to Epic Failure: Biden’s Afghan Debacle

Joe Biden says he’s got no scandals. But maybe he needs to get the word out to his team. Because some of them are calling out the old clown.

It only took the loss of an election to get the truth from the Biden administration on Afghanistan. However, before we get to Afghanistan, admittedly Joe Biden might have an out. Because now many Leftist minions are admitting that Biden has indeed been operating on much fewer brain cells than earlier reported.

Remember when Special Counsel Hur gave “Old Joe” a pass on his crime of having classified documents illegally?

Schiff alluded that Hur included statements meant to hurt Biden politically. In a way, Hur did exactly that. He told the truth about Biden. And now we get the truth on another obvious issue: the Afghan pullout.

Let’s begin with Biden’s claim: “No nation has ever done anything like it in all of history.”

Interestingly, Biden is right. In the same way no one’s ever intentionally thrown their own ass into a meat grinder to see what happens.

The withdrawal was so botched it makes Napoleon’s retreat from Russia look like anemic by comparison. Needless to say, not everyone agrees with Biden’s assessment.

Recently, Biden’s Secretary of State Antony Blinken admitted that they didn’t do enough for the 13 U.S. service members killed at Abbey Gate. And to add to the admission that the withdrawal was a complete SNAFU, Blinken offered his thoughts and prayers.

“I think today, especially of the 13 heroes that we lost at Abbey Gate. And I deeply regret we did not do more and could not do more to protect them,” Blinken said as he testified Wednesday on Capitol Hill. “And to those families who are here with us today, you’re in my thoughts and my prayers.”

Blinken, 62, mixed a conciliatory tone with a defensive message during his hotly anticipated appearance before the House Foreign Affairs Committee, which came after months of bickering with the panel to answer questions about its probe into the botched bug out from Kabul in August 2021.

It’s fair to say that Biden’s botched pullout left Afghanistan quite pregnant.

This is a rehash, but still worth it. To believe that Afghanistan was anything other than a total f*ckup shows you just how demented Old Joe is. Hell, even Mark Milley called it a “strategic failure.” And this criticism comes from  a guy with a chest full of medals who never fought a war. Worse, Milley thought surrendering Bagram Airfield—a strategic linchpin—was a good idea. So his comments validating Blinken scare me, because Milley is a military idiot savant.

Is there anybody competent in the Biden administration? Don’t bother to answer, because the question was rhetorical.

At the time, Biden and most of his team patted themselves on the back, calling the Afghanistan evacuation an “extraordinary success.” Certainly it was, if one measures by say Chernobyl, for example. Using Biden’s definition,  Chernobyl would have been declared an extraordinary bonfire.

So now, the evacuation of tens of thousands with people hanging off of taxiing transport planes is supposed to represent business as usual? Instead it was like a chaotic episode of Extreme Takeover: Airport Edition.

Hundreds of Americans were stranded, left to run and hide for their lives. They hid along side our Afghanistan allies. Ironically, Biden boldly declared, “We’ll stay until every American is out.”

He should have added, “Or until the news cycle dies down, whichever comes first.”

Hunter Biden’s Side Hustle:

You have to wonder, though—was Hunter involved? Maybe he was selling some of those abandoned Humvees on eBay. Or maybe he was the one whispering in Joe’s ear: “C’mon, Dad, let’s wrap this up. I’ve got a meeting with a ‘consulting client’ in Beijing.”

And now, Blinken admits they could’ve done more. Well, thanks, Captain Obvious. Luckily there won’t be another. Because President Trump would never have been such a moron.


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