It’s not even news when Farrakhan spews anti-Semitic remarks, as he did yet again, referring to “Satanic Jews” and the Synagogue of Satan, during a speech at a Detroit church last week.
Whether it’s the Nation of Islam, or just regular Islam, Islam is about hate.
According to the Anti-Defamation League and the Detroit Free Press, those present at the May 17th Fellowship Chapel event included the church’s leader, Rev. Wendell Anthony, who also serves as President of the Detroit branch of the NAACP, Rep. John Conyers (D-Michigan) and Detroit City Councilwoman JoAnn Watson.
In other words, the church was full of Leftist black Liberal Democrats, showcasing their tolerance for a man who hates Jews.
According to the ADL speech details:
Farrakhan referred to “Satanic Jews” and the “Synagogue of Satan” controlling America’s government and other sectors, reportedly stating that President Barack Obama “surrounded himself with Satan…members of the Jewish community.”
Farrakhan also said that the Jewish people “have mastered the civilization now, but they’ve mastered it in evil… Who’s the owner of Hollywood that creates images and makes the people think that what is created on the screen is the way we should live? That’s Satan…Satan has devoured much of humanity.”
“The people that own Hollywood,” Farrakhan added, are “the same people that control your press, the same people that control your media, the same people who are the publishers the same people who are the distributors, the same Synagogue of Satan, and they put you before the world in this disgraceful matter.”
I can’t say that I disagree with Farrakhan on Hollywood’s influence on pop culture, however, to blame the Jews is ridiculous. Jews aren’t putting guns to people’s heads asking them to participate in what Farrakhan says is the Jewish plot for world domination.
Farrakhan then went on a verbal assault against things that Jews have no real control over.
The Detroit Free Press reported that during the speech,
“Farrakhan attacked fast-food restaurants, white images of Jesus Christ, gay marriage, and black-on-black violence in cities like Detroit.”
Farrakhan also was said to allege that former Detroit Mayor, Kwame Kilpatrick, would have been treated more fairly had he been white, and Farrakhan said he planned to visit Kilpatrick in prison over the weekend.
Farrakhan said that blacks should each donate $1 to buy up dilapidated properties in Detroit, and pool their resources to purchase property in Detroit, as other ethnic groups do and thus save the city.
Maybe if black Liberals give up a lotto ticket each, they could take Farrakhan’s advice and save themselves from themselves?