Day by day, wave after wave of Obamacare horrors are washing up on the American consciousness…one recent horror being a hidden source code within the ACA site.
If you’ve not seen this video, it’s well worth 4 minutes of your time — prepare to be shocked and disgusted.
Watch and listen as Rep. Joe Barton (R-Texas), a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, grills Cheryl Campbell, senior vice president of CGI Federal Inc. Yes, the company that built the website.
Rep. Barton sets up the picture:
What that blue high-lighted area that’s been circled in red says is, “you have no reasonable expectation of privacy regarding any communication or data transiting or stored on this information system.”
Barton repeatedly asks Ms. Campbell:
How in the world can this be HIPAA compliant? HIPAA is designed to protect the patient’s privacy, and this explicitly says in order to continue, you have to accept this condition that you have no privacy, or no reasonable expectation of privacy.
On her part, the CGI Senior Veep displayed some discomfort and a lot of awkward silences. You would think with all her accolades, and having been hired by the former Princeton classmate of Michelle Obama, Campbell would be more on her game and forthcoming with brilliant explanations.
But no, the same deplorable lack of technical wizardry inherent in the Obamacare failed website was on display in Campbell’s testimony.
Moral of the story? Obama and Obamacare will take care of you and you will like it and you will NOT expect your life’s most private details to remain private. That is the price of comprehensive Marxist care.