Trump’s Immigration Policy Deserves a Look

Trump has unveiled his immigration policy, and he’s shooting for the moon. If he becomes president, he just may see much of this plan put into action.

It is gratifying to imagine certain foreign leaders quaking in their boots at the prospect of a Trump presidency.

Trump’s immigration policy is America-centric. It focuses on protecting the United States citizen economically and and lawfully. Three of the core principles focus on protecting our southern borders, enforcing current law, and improving  jobs, wages and security.  In addition, seventeen recommendations are proposed in an attempt to change the currently disastrous immigration system.

Our country faces major problems partially caused by the current lax immigration policy, things like crime, a lagging economy,  infectious diseases,  jobless rates,  overcrowded schools and weak national security. Some say, if you fix the immigration problem, you fix the country.

Other elements of Trump’s plan involve incorporating E-Verify, tripling the ICE agents, defunding “sanctuary cities,”  cooperation among local gang task forces, and ending the welfare abuse of foreigners living here on the tax-payers’ dime.

He would end the jobs program for foreign youth and replace it with a jobs program for inner city youth. Also, in the plan are ways to raise the standards of whom we allow as refugees.

Another of the propositions advocates ending birthright citizenship. This alone has drawn much ire from many who say it goes against the 14th Amendment. However, according to numerous articles on the subject of the constitutionality, it wouldn’t take an amendment to stop this practice.

A concise summation of the 14th Amendment, which was written in the 1860’s, comes from Bill Connor, Lt. Col (promotable) and partner at Horger and Connor law firm in South Carolina. His thoughts include the following:

If an ambassador had a child while on duty in the United States, that child was not a citizen of the United States. That child was not a citizen because the parents were subject to the foreign nation’s jurisdiction. Native Americans were not citizens just because they were born on U.S. soil. They were under tribal jurisdiction, because their parents were under tribal jurisdiction. A parent of an invading army having a child on U.S. soil would never transfer citizenship due to the jurisdiction of the parents.

He further states:

“The ‘Anchor Baby’ citizenship needs to be challenged, and this doesn’t require an amendment. A child born to parents illegally in the US is not a citizen by the provisions of the 14th Amendment. Just because all the ‘talking heads’ claim the 14th Amendment grants automatic citizenship to everyone born on US soil, doesn’t make it so.”

And by the way, Ted Cruz is wholeheartedly for ending birthright citizenship as well. It has been his position for years. Cruz also let it be known that he has worked side by side with Senator Jeff Sessions, R-Al, on this issue. Sessions, among other experts, have been advising Trump concerning his immigration policy.

For starters, his plan deserves to be discussed and debated. In addition, the policy makes sense, but that is usually a turn off for those inside the beltway. After all, isn’t a free exchange of ideas and brainstorming how we all tend to solve many of our problems?

In the movie Apollo 13, this is precisely what the scientists did to figure out a way for the astronauts to make it home alive after their spacecraft was damaged. Many were skeptical of their solution to the problem of fitting a square peg into a round hole. It took educated people working together, unhindered, in order to be successful. That is the American way.

It seems we are in a similarly precarious situation in regards to immigration, and the damage it has done to our country. Regardless of what you think of Trump, he has produced a policy that has spawned dialogue in a nation that has forgotten how to explore all options in order to fix what’s broken.


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