The state of Virginia allows murderers access to students. They certainly don’t present it that way, but that’s what’s happening.
Planned Parenthood isn’t happy unless they are harvesting body parts and ending the lives of perfectly healthy babies. So to make sure they have an endless supply of fetuses, they have taken a novel approach: The state of Virginia allows murderers access to students.
They do this by establishing Planned Parenthood student groups on high school campuses. These groups then influence young impressionable girls. Such is the case at the Maggie L. Walker Governor’s School. The esteemed school’s mission states:
“…to provide comprehensive educational opportunities that advance gifted students’ understanding of world cultures and languages. Our diverse and supportive community develops students’ character and ability to contribute, collaborate, and lead.”
Apparently the Governor’s school considers Planned Parenthood to be a beacon of light to their students. Exactly what character will be taught as the “women’s reproductive center” educates young students on killing children. If you happen to party too hard and end up pregnant, the sacrifice of a human being is justified. You, young lady can contribute to the greater good of society, and help Planned Parent make money.
Not only will the club educate the girls about their abortion rights, but will actively involve them “in the political process to win elections and pass pro-reproductive freedom legislation.”
Planned Parenthood is anything but PRO-reproductive. They kill babies in the womb for profit. The organization is funded by the government, and they harvest babies’ internal organs for a handsome price.
Here’s a reminder, the videos that show Planned Parenthood executives discussing the sale of baby parts.
This barbaric organization has no business stepping foot on public school grounds, not to mention being sanctioned as an upstanding club. I guess the parents who send their students to this school must heartily agree with the political leftists who are running it, or there would be a massive push-back against the formation of the club.
Have the parents considered the health risks and emotional trauma to girls who undergo abortions? It is not only well-documented throughout the world, but also common to hear of the regret when talking with those who have personally gone through them.
AfterAbortion.org reports about a case study in Finland that states,
“The Finland researchers found that compared to women who carried to term, women who aborted in the year prior to their deaths were 60 percent more likely to die of natural causes, seven times more likely to die of suicide, four times more likely to die of injuries related to accidents, and 14 times more likely to die from homicide.
Researchers believe the higher rate of deaths related to accidents and homicide may be linked to higher rates of suicidal or risk-taking behavior.”
The fact is abortions have many negative ramifications and predispose those who have had them to psychological struggles later in life. So why Virginia allows murderers access to its students remains a mystery to me.
As a nurse who sees many patients taking anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications, one wonders why parents would allow an organization access to their children who encourage practices that increase the chance of health risks down the road.
This is what happens in schools across the nation when parents fail to get involved in their children’s education. Whether it be the lack of understanding of the contents in the textbooks, to what kind of clubs are offered at the school, parents need to stay on top of what is being taught these days. We certainly can’t trust the liberals involved to make the right choices.
The video on the Wilder School’s website. showcases what appears to be footage of a past graduation ceremony. In the video someone sings Jim Croce’s song “I Got a Name.”
The irony in the lyrics is interesting:
Like the north wind whistlin’ down the sky
I got a song, I got a song
Like the whippoorwill and the baby’s cry
I got a song, I got a song
Anyone ready to discuss who is involved with the real war on women or the war on humanity?
- Those interested in contacting the school may find the info in an article by Rick Buchanan, in Fauquier Free Citizen.