Since President-elect Trump officially launched his campaign, one Twitter account has really come alive with activity.
It’s called The Socialist Party (@OfficialSPGB). But it’s not the Socialist Party of America. Holy Mother of Piers Morgan, it’s the Socialist Party of Great Britain!
Whenever President-elect Trump sends out a tweet, thousands of butt-hurt British lefties respond with their obligatory smears. They not only directly respond to President-elect Trump’s original tweets, but to trolls and parody accounts, as well.
Here is a sample of the Socialist Party’s best (most moronic) Twitter responses to the president-elect:
@realDonaldTrump Just resign so people suffering and struggling in America don’t suffer and struggle more with you in charge. #EndTheFarce
— The Socialist Party (@OfficialSPGB) January 3, 2017
Just a thought, but the tweet implies that people are suffering and struggling NOW, as in UNDER OBAMA!
@realDonaldTrump You’ll be the best President ever… for a socialist future. People are going to learn just how vile capitalism really is.
— The Socialist Party (@OfficialSPGB) December 31, 2016
That would be the vile capitalism that built the computer upon which you tweet? Just saying.
@realDonaldTrump Trump in the White House will mean government by rich parasites for rich parasites, with the majority continuing to suffer.
— The Socialist Party (@OfficialSPGB) December 17, 2016
I’m having difficulty reconciling this one.
Donald Trump will take the largest pay cut in the history of American politics, as will most of his cabinet.
Meanwhile back at the ranch, the Obama administration widened the gap between America’s rich and poor, thus the world’s rich and poor, but Trump is the bad guy?
@realDonaldTrump Why are Trump supporters like hemorrhoids? Because they cluster in groups, make people uneasy and hang around an asshole.
— The Socialist Party (@OfficialSPGB) August 3, 2016
Power to the SPHINCTERS!
@realDonaldTrump@gene70 Women only love you if you offer them enough money to do so.
— The Socialist Party (@OfficialSPGB) April 9, 2016
So Britain’s Socialist Party is made up of misogynists? Pretty bad depiction of women, I’d say. But then again, these women are used to being around broke socialist men, waiting in line for toilet paper and vodka.
@realDonaldTrump Go away. You aren’t wanted. You lie about outsiders causing socioeconomic problems when it’s really selfish pigs like you!
— The Socialist Party (@OfficialSPGB) February 2, 2016
I guess the joke is on the SPGB, since Trump won?
Newt Gingrich once said, “Donald Trump may turn out to be the most effective anti-left leader in our lifetime.”
Now there’s a badge of honor!
At least these Leftist Brits can honestly say of Trump, “Not my president!”
They should be so lucky.