Trump SLAPS DOWN Obama’s efforts to fund terror against Israel.
In a desperate bid to buddy up to Israel’s enemies once again, Obama approved over $221 million to fund the Palestinian Authority in his last few hours in the White House.
Today, President Trump blocked that funds transfer.
Another campaign promise kept, as Trump said he would repair our relationship with Israel. And let’s face it–that friendship was bludgeoned repeatedly by Muslim-sympathizing Barack Obama.
Trump’s Demolished Obama’s Treachery
Acting State Department spokesman Mark Toner said the agency is “currently reviewing last-minute spending approved by the previous administration and will make adjustments if needed to ensure that it aligns with the priorities of the Trump-Pence administration.”
In other words: No more Secret Funding of terrorism by the former lameduck Leftist traitor, who occupied the White House for 8 years.
This review of “last-minute spending” begs the question, “What did the Obama administration attempt to get away with?”
One would think that the “most transparent administration in modern history” would not throw together any last-minute spending.
Spoiler Alert: Obama did!
Last week, Congressional Republicans blocked this very aid to terror organizations. Nevertheless, in a move that usurped the will of the people, by the people, and for the people, former Secretary of State Kerry instructed USAID to send $220.3 million to “Gaza recovery programs.”
What exactly is Gaza recovering from? Bombing another Israeli city?
Interesting Timing: This happened ON Inauguration day!
A written notification of Kerry’s treason was sent to Congress just hours before President-elect Trump took the oath of office.
Checks and Balances?
At least two Republican lawmakers — Reps. Edward R. Royce of California, the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and Kay Granger of Texas, a member of the House Appropriations Committee — had placed holds on releasing these funds.
Thank God for State Department oversight! Reviewing Obama’s actions already means a safer Israel and less government waste!