Ivy League Frauds: Yale STOPS Free Speech [VIDEO]

Ivy League Frauds: Yale STOPS Free Speech [VIDEO]

Social justice warriors on America’s university campuses don’t want anyone they disagree with to have free speech rights.

They cried. Students literally cried while demanding a professor apologize for having a different opinion.

Source: Silence U Over View by TheBlackSphere on Rumble

A new documentary called Silence U exposes leftist intolerance for “offensive” speech.

Similar incidents at Brown, Middlebury, and Berkeley confirm that liberals’ continued denial of free speech to political opponents is a nationwide epidemic.

The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees freedom of speech and expression to every U.S. citizen. However, American universities now champion a free-speech vacuum; disallowing the speech of those with divergent points of view. Riots rather than dialogue break out when conservative speakers are invited to lecture.

Yale against free speechPampered brats who refuse to deal with an offense in a democratic way now dictate who can speak on college campuses. Screaming and crying, rather than engaging in dialogue with political opponents represents the new normal.

Documentary filmmaker Rob Montz investigated an incident at Yale University. His two shorts, “Silence U: Is the University Killing Free Speech and Open Debate? (2016) and “Silence U Part 2: What has Yale Become?” (2017), reveal that Yale’s administration cares more about coddling the next generation than educating them.

In October 2015, Yale’s Intercultural Affairs Committee emailed a broad outline of appropriate Halloween costumes.

In response, Professor Erika Christakis – the wife of Nicholas Christakis, head of Yale’s Silliman College, wrote a response. She noted that “the ability to tolerate offense” is a central feature of a “free and open society.”

We all want to live in a free and open society.

The First Amendment is designed to safeguard speech exactly because it is offensive so that everyone in the nation has a voice.

Anyone who tells others what they can and cannot think, or can and cannot say, practices the very tyranny America broke free from in 1776.

An open letter signed by more than 700 students and faculty condemned Erika’s letter as “racist.” Days of protests culminated in a demonstration outside Silliman College where the Christakis family lived. When Nicholas came outside to dialogue with protestors, word spread and a mob of angry students quickly surrounded and threatened this scientist, humanitarian, and award-winning author.

Nicholas asked the students:

“Who gets to decide what’s offensive?”Yale against free speech

Students indicated that they alone have the power to decide that.

“If it hurts me,” the students declared. [Then you cannot say it.]

In an attempt to dispense logic, Nicholas responded:

“What if everybody says, I am hurt. Does that mean everybody else has to stop speaking?”

The students’ response was to cry “racism” and throw a tantrum:

“You are being racist. Why can’t you say, ‘Sorry?'”

For what? Disagreeing with their worldview. Nicholas replied:

“So I have a vision of us as people, as human beings, that actually privileges our common humanity. That is interested not in what is different among us, but what is the same. If you deny that, then what is the reason that you ask to be heard?”

But today’s university students don’t allow opposing opinions into their world. Such diversity to them is intolerable racism – even from a professor who grew up with multiple, ethnically diverse siblings. These students want power, not a reasoned debate. And that’s exactly what Yale gave them.

Four dean-level administrators present in the courtyard refused to defend Christakis for fear of SJWs targeting them as well.

Nicholas and Erika ultimately resigned over this incident.

Rather thaYale against free speechn a student-centered approach to education that demands academic excellence, Yale has become customer-focused. They now ask students, “What we can do for you?” The number of administrative jobs at Yale grew by 25% over the past year. By contrast, the pool of professors shrunk by 4%.

Student demands for “inclusive” environments run afoul of free speech rights on college campuses. Many Yale students found this display disgusting but refused to speak on camera in these documentaries. They feared for their future job prospects if they spoke out.

What’s the bottom line?

If you want your children educated, send them somewhere else. If you want them infantilized, and you have the money to pay for it, Yale’s the place for them.


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