EPIC: Maxine Waters BLIND-SIDED at Her Town Hall Meeting

EPIC: Maxine Waters Gets BLIND-SIDED at Her Town Hall

Maxine Waters never expected pro-Trump people to actually drive to Compton to confront her. That’s a huge risk that the media chooses to ignore.

People who live in Compton don’t want to be in Compton. The crime rate is WORSE than that of 85 percent of the country. Yet, a group of Trump supporters decided to meet Maxine Waters on her turf. 

Throughout this Administration, Waters continually rants about Trump. For months the Leftist lunatic demanded Trump be impeached. However, she suddenly and without warning backtracked. Prior to calling for Trump’s impeachment, Waters demanded on Tax Day post-election that President Trump produce his tax returns. This, despite the shellacking Rachel Maddow had taken already over the tax-return debacle.

According to The Blaze, Maxine should take heed.

The liberal darling known as “Auntie Maxine” received a dose of her own impeachment medicine over the weekend after signs calling for her impeachment appeared in the Los Angeles area, where her congressional district is located.

The signs appeared outside a town hall in the Inglewood neighborhood, according to KCBS-TV, which described the signs as “unflattering and racist.”

Some of the signs mocked Waters while others stated facts about the political positions she holds.

One sign read in big letters, “IMPEACH MAXINE WATERS,” while noting that she’s a “race baiter,” “old & out of touch” and a “poverty pimp.”

Hopefully, Waters took a deep long look at the signs posted in her honor.

Social media was definitely quick to chime in.







It’s doubtful that Maxine will take the hint.

All she does is whine that the Government does nothing for her district, a district she has served for decades.

Our team pointed out some of the lingering effects of Obama and the Congressional Black Circus on the black community.

  • In spite of Obama’s $275 billion in housing-market bailouts, home ownership has waned.
  • In the first quarter of 2009, 67.3% of Americans owned homes. By 1Q 2014, the Census Bureau figure was 64.8%.
  • Black home ownership has sagged from 46.1% in 2009 to 43.3% in 2014.
  • The poverty rate for blacks is now 25.8%.
  • Fewer than half of young black men are working a full-time job.
  • The black workforce is decreasing, down from 58.6% in June 2007 to 52.8% in August 2012.
  • The median minority family’s income is now almost fifth lower than it was when Obama took office with a net worth of just $18,100.
  • In contrast, white median wealth has increased by 1% to $142,000.
  • In 2009, white households were 7 times richer than black households. Now, white households are 8 times richer.


While Maxine Waters rants about Trump, her constituents begin to see the hypocrisies.

I believe the big story is that Trump supporters dared go on Waters’ turf to complain about her. This is the real story.

That people would risk life and limb in da hood, shows that these black race pimps will soon have nowhere to hide. And you can bet the people who protest her will not go away.

If they are like most blacks, they have tired of being played.



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