Sean Spicer has resigned, and it comes as no surprise to us.

Fox News reported the story as follows:

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer has resigned after seven months on the job, Fox News confirmed.


White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer has resigned over the hiring of a new top communications aide, sources tell the Associated Press.

The move came as Trump booster and Wall Street financier Anthony Scaramucci was expected to be tapped for White House communications director.

When we got the news of Spicer’s supposed move up, we questioned it.

Spicer moving #KevinJacksonThe White House announced recently that Sean Spicer is taking on a new role in the Trump Administration.

The move has been advertised as a promotion. However, insiders wonder if Spicer is getting the boot.

They back these claims with the fact that Spicer is interviewing for his replacement.

According to Business Insider:

“Spicer should be elevated and if he’s not, I would not blame him for leaving,” a White House official told Politico. “The president owes him this much for all he’s done for him. Sean is indispensable and I think the president knows that.”

Bloomberg, which also reported the news that Spicer might move into a different role, noted that no final decisions have been made.

Some reporters, including The New York Times’ White House correspondent, Maggie Haberman, reacted with surprise to the news that Spicer has been tasked with finding his own replacement.

But honestly, with my years of dealing with execs like Donald Trump, I called it.

Spicer was given the desk closest to the door.

press secretary sean spicerAnd though he had an auspicious start with the Trump administration, he proved to be in over his head.

Spicer’s run-in with April Ryan showcased that Spicer wasn’t ready for prime time. Spicer should never have backed down during that exchange. If Trump teaches anything, he teaches never to back down when it comes to the media.

Only Ronald Reagan handled the media better than Trump. However, outside of Reagan nobody handles the media better. For more than a year, the media baited Trump, as a candidate and as president. Nothing has worked and nothing will work. They have tried every trick in the book — and still do — to make him look like the worst president in American history, but he keeps fighting back.

One would think that Trump’s shellacking of Hillary Clinton in 2016 against all odds would have made the media back down a bit. Trump offered multiple olive branches to the media, yet they declined almost every time.

The New York Times did a mea culpa, but others continued down their destructive path. In print media, few are worse than the Trump-hating Jeff Bezos-owned Washington Post. As for TV, CNN and MSNBC remain in a virtual Trump-hating tie.

So you can see why the job of press secretary is critical.

Trump needs a pure warrior. But he needs a warrior who can deftly put the media in their place while making Trump look good.

Trump knows the job he faces against the Left. That’s what his first 100 days showed him.

And now that he is six months into his presidency, Trump knows nothing less than fire-breathing dragons need apply.

We wish Sean Spicer luck. You can bet he will get a lucrative book deal. He will be ok.

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