Democrats Announce Trump’s First Opponent for 2020
New blood for the Democrats.
Looks like part of the rebranding strategy is for almost complete unknown to throw their hat in the ring early.
What happened to “Change we can believe in?” The brand wore out? Did the black fade to gray?
Or white? Enter John Delaney
Representative John Delaney is the Democrat from Maryland. And, he’s about as run-of-the-mill as it gets.
Delaney is a middle-aged white guy, which makes him a toddler by Democrat standards. He is married (to a woman) and they have four kids. His family lives in New Jersey, yes not Maryland. Delaney attended college at Georgetown University, where he ingrained his Leftism. You see, boring.
His twitter feed isn’t exciting either. No anti-Trump rhetoric to stir-drama. Just lots of boring politically correct posts full of staged photo ops bragging about faked accomplishments.
He’s exactly what the democrats need, because Delaney is the anti-Hillary.
I'm running for President. Read why: https://t.co/N3Vn3hFQwT
— John Delaney 🇺🇸 (@JohnDelaney) July 28, 2017
Look at that sexy beast…NOT!
Delaney is no Bill Clinton, which might be the Democrats’ new brand.
Delaney even issued his own letter of intent. He used all the Leftist buzz-words. As the Washington Post reports:
The Democratic Party cherishes opportunity over birthright; wants people to earn a good living; offers a helping hand to the poor, the immigrant and those left behind; wants all Americans to have health care; embraces diversity, equality and justice; understands the importance of global engagements; believes that government can do transformative things; and stands ready to provide for our common defense. This is why I’m a Democrat. But we have a lot of work to do, given our recent electoral failures, and we need a different approach — one that’s focused on the facts and the future.
Didn’t Delaney get the memo: the Democrats offer “better”. So let’s try that message again.
The Democratic Party cherishes BETTER opportunity over birthright; wants people to earn a good, no BETTER living; offers a BETTER helping hand to the poor, the immigrant and those left behind; wants all Americans to have BETTER health care; embraces BETTER diversity, equality and justice; understands the importance of BETTER global engagements; believes that government can do BETTER transformative things; and stands ready to provide for our BETTER common defense. This is why I’m a BETTER Democrat. But we have a lot of work to do, given our recent electoral failures, and we need a different BETTER approach — one that’s focused on the BETTER facts and the future.
There, that’s BETTER!
I’d like to go on record to say that Delaney (nor any other Democrat) stands a chance against Trump in 2020 or 2024.
Leftists voters have tired of getting nothing for their votes. No matter what Democrat speaks, what comes out are lies. Fake news narratives all meant to keep politicians in power. The people get nothing, as Democrats are not accountable.
Democrat voters want straight-shooters. They want unscripted “humans” and not prototypical politicians.
Delaney’s been in Congress since 2013. Therefore, he took part in the Obamacare debacle. Further, he watched as more than $77 billion in taxpayer money was squandered on climate change with fake data. Then, his party wasted another $150 billion on so-called green energy companies, most of which are now bankrupt. And the list of skimming billions from taxpayers goes on.
The list of Obama administration larceny is long, and Delaney did nothing. He supported the brand, and now he offers “better”?
The Democrats can’t compete with results. That’s what Trump delivers, results. And now that the runway is being cleared of leakers and obstructionists, he will use his “magic wand” to continue dazzling America and the world.
I look forward to the “competition” Democrats posed to Trump in 2020.