New Law: Free Abortions for All
Oregon Governor Kate Brown is the first to enact such a law.
At a cost of more than $10 million to the state, abortion is the latest entitlement offered by liberals.
This landmark bill requires insurance companies to cover abortions 100%. In fact, the procedures must be performed without co-pays or deductibles. Even illegal immigrants get the coverage. And the tax-payers eventually foot the bill.
As the Washington Times reports:
Tuesday’s long-awaited signing of House Bill 3391, approved by the State Legislature July 5 with no Republican votes, triggered a torrent of criticism from conservatives along with praise from the pro-choice movement.
“Thank Kate Brown for signing the nation’s most progressive reproductive health bill into law today!” NARAL Pro-Choice Oregon said in a statement.
The $10.2 million Reproductive Health Equity Act includes $500,000 for abortions for the estimated 22,873 women who would be eligible for the Oregon Health Plan, the state’s Medicaid program, “except for their immigration status.”
This is absolutely ridiculous. As a conservative, I’m naturally pro-life. However, I’ve come to accept there may be a few circumstances in which abortion is the only choice. Still, it would never be the responsibility of the tax-payers to fund such a decision. Kate Brown just took entitlement to a deadly level.
Sadly, other blue states will probably follow Oregon’s lead.
As the Times continues:
“Everyone in America needs to see that Oregon’s former late-term abortion-lobbyist governor Kate Brown just forced Oregonians to fund against their will late-term and sex-selective abortions,” Jonathan Lockwood (Oregon Senate Republicans) said in an email. “Watch out; this is coming to a state near you.”
Here’s the deal. Planned Parenthood is struggling. They’ve lost over 600,000 clients the past few years. They needed the state to step in and say “free abortions” to throw them a lifeline.
About Face
As we pointed out earlier this year:
Jane Roe, the very woman who established a woman’s right to abortion, now says abortion is wrong. She notes American women “have literally been handed the right to slaughter their own children.”
Roe’s sentiment is quite common among women who’ve experienced abortion.
Maria Vitale Gallagher writes that abortion hurts women. It doesn’t help them. Once a pro-choice advocate, Gallagher did a complete about-face after careful study.
I came to embrace the pro-choice philosophy based on the twin pillars of reasonability and convenience. I thought it was entirely reasonable that a woman should not be expected to bear a child she didn’t want. Furthermore, I viewed it as terribly inconvenient to be pregnant when that had not been a woman’s desire. Abortions would happen anyway, I reasoned; therefore, they might as well be legal.
Prompted by a pro-life friend, I began perusing right-to-life literature. I was shocked. Never did I know that a heart starts beating 24 days after conception, or that brain waves can be detected 43 days after the unification of egg and sperm.
I also have looked into the eyes of women who deeply regret their abortions and who speak openly and poignantly about the pain that abortion has caused in their lives. The testimony of such women speaks volumes about the dark side of the Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade.
Reason led me to the pro-life movement; careful analytical thinking keeps me there. Estimates based on figures from the Guttmacher Institute indicate more than 54 million unborn children have lost their lives after Roe v. Wade and countless women have been harmed by the aftermath. Logic demands that we as a nation take a second look at Roe v. Wade — for ourselves, and for the sake of our grandchildren.
But leftists defy logic. They’d rather encourage women to kill now, mourn later. Further, now abortion should be added to the list of entitlements people believe the government owes them. Just when you think liberals couldn’t be any more out of touch with reality, they move the bar.
Unlawful Acts
“The saddest day of my life was when I had to vote on this bill, though of course I voted NO, there was no reason to actually run this bill at all,” state Rep. Bill Post, a Republican, said on Facebook. “Oregon should be ashamed and embarrassed.”
Post also pointed out that this law is a violation of the Weldon Act of Congress. That might be our only hope in protecting future children of Oregon– that this law is actually unlawful.