Revenge Porn: Facebook Seeks Naked Truth From Users

Revenge Porn: Facebook Seeks Naked Truth From Users

Upload your naked photos to Facebook. Really! What could go wrong?

In a Facebook post on Tuesday, Facebook’s Global Head of Safety Antigone Davis said the company was updating its pilot program targeting the non-consensual sharing of images on the platform. Rather than having to report an image after it’s already been shared around Facebook (the company already has a system in place for reporting and removing those images). Thus, according to CNET, Facebook will let users upload an image before it’s been seen by others.

Not much comfort for the more than 87 million Facebook users worldwide whose data was harvested without their knowledge by Cambridge Analytica. Cambridge Analytica then supposedly used the information to influence the 2016 U.S. elections. Translated: Cambridge Analytica was deemed bad, since the company used Facebook as intended, and it helped the Trump campaign. Interestingly, Facebook gave this data to the Obama campaign 4 years earlier.

Regardless of what you think about that Cambridge Analytica data breach and others, given Facebook’s history here, this latest salvo by the social media giant certainly requires a “Facepalm”.

Believe it or not, the company who’s founder (by theft) and CEO who said years ago, [pp] “I can’t believe the idiots give me their data,” now wants the most salacious of your data—your naked pictures.

You read that right.

Zuckerberg claims that Facebook is doing this for a preventative measure. He claims Facebook wants to prevent “revenge porn” by blocking the pictures from being used by a scorned lover. Pre-porn-crime prevention as it were.

And who will oversee the receipt and review of these pictures. I’m picturing quite a few college frat boys submitting their resumes for this job.

According to Facebook, a team of five specially trained reviewers will see the images. Why do they need to see the pictures is beyond me.

Regardless, this team of five “specialists” {chuckle} will review pictures of you in your birthday suit doing who knows what, naughty bits and all. The images will be assigned a unique digital fingerprint, a process called “hashing”.

After hashing occurs, the images are stored on a database and Facebook is loaded for beaver…sorry, I mean bear.

If you’re like me, you are already prepping your porn, packing its bags, to send to Facebook boarding school. Because you know this data won’t be hacked, right?

According to Facebook, the way hashing works is if someone tries to upload the same image, it will be blocked before showing up for the world to see on Facebook, Instagram and Messenger.

I’m certainly curious as to how Facebook plans to insure that its system will work, given all the ways in which people can manipulate digital images. And you know some prankster will try to prove Facebook wrong, just for shiggles.

Can you say, “Lawsuit waiting to happen!”?

Apparently Facebook’s Global Head of Safety Antigone Davis has some of the same  concerns. He admitted that there is no way to 100 percent match the images.

So what percentage is acceptable to Facebook in the world of “revenge porn”?

And what happens when the hack of the hashing occurs? Who will be the Guinea pig who appears in court to identify his or her genitalia?

“Your Honor, those are my genitals, and I brought the originals to PROVE IT!”

Besides the laughable notion of Zuckerberg asking you to trust him with your most intimate information are the implications of Facebook becoming the world’s leader in porn.

“Facebook: Not just about your FACE anymore!”

Frankly, I see a deal with Larry Flynt in Facebook’s future.

Facebook is piloting the program in Australia, asking the Aussies to beta test it. Why they chose the Australians is anybody’s guess. Perhaps they already have lots of Aussie porn uploaded?

Let us know if you plan to upload your porn.

Gotcha. I KNEW you had some!

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