Democrats find themselves embarrassed by their challengers to President Trump. And who could blame them.
The fallout from their first debate has been thunderous, as many Democrats now question their party. And to think that only a week or so ago, they claimed that almost any of their candidates would beat Trump in a head-to-head match-up.
Apparently, they no longer think this. Vegas certainly doesn’t.
I documented recently that Vegas increased its odds on Trump winning a second term. So much for the polls, as the betting public disagrees. But truthfully, so do Democrats.
Democrats know the polls are fake. And they scramble for footing, as the sand erodes beneath their feet on a variety of issues.
First, Trump’s success. Who knew, right?! Well, 63 million Americans knew. And I’m guessing another 8 million now know and will show up to switch their allegiance as they “walk away”.
Second, Democrats’ big albatross rests with Russian collusion. Expect the hammer of Thor to befall that party soon.
Meanwhile, the cries of the rank and file continues. What does the Average Joe Democrat want?
Aside from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to shut up, they’d like to see better candidates. Hack Bill Maher actually asked 10 candidates to “get the f**k out”. On his show, Maher expressed his frustration:
“Look, there’s too many people in this race. So we saw them last night and the night before. I’ll give you veto rights, but I’m going to get rid of 10 of them right now. Is that okay? And if you disagree, just say.”
Next, Maher proceeded candidate by candidate holding up photographs of the various underdog candidates while telling them to “get the f**k out.”
“This guy, Hickenlooper. Nice guy. No, get out. Nice guy. Get the f**k out.
This is Michael Bennett. You know if you Google Michael Bennett, the first five that come up aren’t even this guy. Get the f**k out.
Oh, vice principal Delaney. Nice guy. Nothing here. Get out.
Tim Ryan. I think he said one good thing. No.
Kirsten Gillbrand. Al Franken says ‘Hello.’
Eric Swallwell. I like him. But you know, too young, it looked like he was wearing a toupe last night. Get the f**k out.”
In all, Maher listed Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper, Sen.Michael Bennet of Colorado, former Rep. John Delaney of Maryland, Rep. Tim Ryan of Ohio, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand of New York, Rep. Eric Swalwell of California, author Marianne Williamson, entrepreneur Andrew Yang, former Rep. Beto O’Rourke of Texas, and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio.
In discussing Marianne Williamson, one of the panelists, actor and author Max Brooks interrupted to say her presence at the debate was a complete mistake. Brooks said:
“She was never supposed to be there. The crazy hippie lady. I heard there were too many Democrats, she snuck through security, she got herself on stage and Rachel Maddow was just too overwhelmed and didn’t notice.”
Overwhelmed? Perfect word.
While the Republicans had 17 candidates last cycle, it wasn’t a freak show. Clearly, Democrats see their candidates for what they are. Freaks.
Note that Democrats attacked their “crazy hippie lady”. She represents a big demographic of their voting base. Oh the irony.
Policy really isn’t being discussed by pundits analyzing Democrats, as the clowns are more interesting. And this will continue for some time. Because Democrats offer a trainwreck. And pundits are looking at the body count.
Nevertheless, eventually the field will narrow.
After a lot of money is wasted, Democrats will get their handful of contenders. Interestingly, this is when Democrats will really screw the pooch.
The infighting will be more vicious, and policy positions more radical. Not that America needs to see much more, but we shall. This means bad news for Democrats. Because the crazier they prove themselves to be, the more vindication for Trump.