Democrats doubled down on their claims of migrant mistreatment with their latest set of tweets. Unfortunately, once again, they got it all wrong.
To truly understand the leftist hypocrisy at play, we need to go back. Way back.
In fact, let’s rewind to 2014. That’s when Arizona Republican Rep. Matt Salmon introduced legislation to amend a 2008 trafficking law. Here’s how the bill reads.
Expedited Family Reunification Act
From the US Congress website:
This bill amends the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008 to provide that any unaccompanied alien child (UAC) who has not been a victim of a severe form of trafficking in persons or does not have a credible fear of persecution on returning to his or her country of nationality or of last habitual residence shall be:
- placed in removal proceedings,
- eligible for voluntary departure at no cost to the child, and
- provided with access to counsel.
(Currently such expedited removal requirements apply to unaccompanied children from countries that are contiguous to the United States.)
The Department of State shall negotiate agreements, in addition to countries contiguous to the United States, between the United States and Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, and any other appropriate country regarding the repatriation of children.
The requirements of this Act are applied to any UAC apprehended on or after June 15, 2012.
Now, if you notice the dates, you will notice Obama was president when this bill was passed. Further, Obama didn’t even give it much consideration. In fact, he was criticized for his comments because his border speech was made in Austin, Texas (some 232 miles from the border) while on his way to a fundraising event. He didn’t even bother to visit a border town.
Obama’s Crisis
Obama’s faux pas isn’t the entire scope of this hypocrisy. First, Obama definitely embraced Trump’s immigration attitudes. In fact, one of my favorite meme’s chronicles Obama’s own statements.
“We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked, and circumventing the line of people who are waiting patiently, diligently, and lawfully to become immigrants in this country.” -Barack Obama, 2005
Obviously, Trump agrees. Clearly, this border crisis wasn’t a partisan issue until Hillary lost.
But it gets even better. Not only do Obama and Trump fundamentally agree, but Obama actually kept kids in cages first.
Leftists try to skip over that little tidbit, because it’s hard to crucify the President for continuing the policy of the former President.
As I pointed out a few months back, leftists aren’t truly worried about the migrants seeking asylum. They didn’t care when Obama kept “kids in cages.” Nor did they care when Obama separated families and demanded stricter vetting at the border. They only pretend to care now so they can stick it to Donald Trump.
Fun Facts
In fact, leftists are so full of hypocrisy, they don’t even acknowledge what went on before Trump took office.
In their latest insult to our intelligence, Democrats tried to misrepresent the truth yet again. Sadly, Democrats posted a picture of kids in cages. Apparently, libtards didn’t pay attention the last time this picture was passed around, and accredited to Trump.
Fox News elaborates:
Democrats on the House Oversight Committee have deleted tweets that promoted an upcoming Wednesday afternoon hearing on “kids in cages” after being called out for using Obama-era images of migrants in detention to highlight current conditions at the border.
“Last week, members of our committee visited a detention center at the southern border and discovered grotesque treatment of children,” the first tweet, posted Tuesday afternoon, said. “This week, we are examining the inhumane treatment of the children in these detention centers.”
House Democrats are promoting their “civil rights” hearing on “kids in cages” and “inhumane treatment” with a photo from 2014, when Joe Biden was Vice President. So dishonest! pic.twitter.com/Exuj1eudrr
— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) July 9, 2019
But the tweet included a photograph taken by The Associated Press in 2014, during the Obama administration, showing migrants in detention in Arizona. The Trump campaign flagged the soon-deleted tweet and noted the image comes from a time when current Democratic presidential primary front-runner Joe Biden was vice president.
“House Democrats are promoting their ‘civil rights’ hearing on ‘kids in cages’ and ‘inhumane treatment’ with a photo from 2014, when Joe Biden was Vice President,” the tweet read. “So dishonest!”
If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.
You would think democrats would be embarrassed enough to drop it then and there. But no, they’re just not that smart.
So, they tried again.
Fox continues:
According to The Daily Caller, House Democrats then put up a new tweet with a different photograph — also, it turns out, from the Obama administration years. That tweet was soon deleted as well, after it was noticed by their Republican counterparts on the committee.
You all know that’s a picture from 2014, right? Remind us who was President then ? https://t.co/Z6uE04wALq
— Oversight Committee Republicans (@GOPoversight) July 9, 2019
“You all know that’s a picture from 2014, right? Remind us who was President then,” the tweet said.
The hearing, still scheduled, will be held Wednesday by the Oversight Committee’s Civil Rights and Civil Liberties subcommittee. Democrats on that panel include Chairman Jamie Raskin, D-Md., Rep. Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass., and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y.
Trump’s team went on to rip the democrats even more.
First with this tweet.
#ICYMI: @OversightDems previewed today’s subcommittee hearing by tweeting two pictures of kids at the border taken during the Obama Administration.
They refuse to address the humanitarian crisis at our southern border.
It’s sad, & that needs to change.https://t.co/WkfAlkg9Pu
— Oversight Committee Republicans (@GOPoversight) July 10, 2019
Then, they put everything in perspective when they offered this explanation of the leftist hypocrisy.
Democrats are obsessed with @realDonaldTrump. It’s time to move on and solve problems for the American people. pic.twitter.com/xTuPv0zqJn
— Oversight Committee Republicans (@GOPoversight) April 24, 2019
My grandpa used to have a saying. “Don’t show up at a gun fight carrying a knife.” Obviously, liberals tried to cut Republicans to the quick. Instead, Republicans shot them down.