Trump and the Black Vote

Former NFL player Jack Brewer exposed bad juju for Democrats. A former Democrat himself, Brewer predicts that 20 percent of blacks will vote for President Trump.

Democrats may feign disbelief, but they know Brewer’s predictions ring true. 

The Party of Lynching of Blacks tried to paint Donald Trump as a racist. They hoped that would win them the election. But blacks didn’t buy it, and Trump got enough of the black vote (8 percent) to give Hillary Clinton a sound electoral thrashing.

But as president, Donald Trump put his money where his mouth was, when he asked blacks, “What do you have to lose?”.

Trump opened the eyes of blacks with his attention to blacks. However, unlike his predecessor, Trump didn’t pander to blacks for votes. He genuinely cares about improving things for blacks, and as Americans; not just blacks.

Trump’s persistence pays off.

Two polls conducted last month by Emerson and Rasmussen showed Trump’s support among blacks at 34 percent. This is a far cry from the Republican average since 1976,  according to the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research:

“Republican presidential candidates since 1976 have averaged 10% support from black voters, ranging from a low of 4% for John McCain in 2008 when he ran against Mr. Obama to 17% for Gerald Ford in 1976.”

Democrats should be concerned.

Trump will undoubtedly break barriers with blacks. Because as Brewer  told the Washington Times, Trump is proving himself to black voters.

“There is an awakening going on right now in the country. I’m going to take the guy who’s actually putting in the policies that are going to make life better for my young black son and my young black daughter, versus somebody who gives me lip service — like, unfortunately, the Democrats have done for our community for years.”

“Donald Trump will get over 20% of the black vote. That is what’s going to win the election. Why? Because there hasn’t been a Republican to even try to go in and talk to the black community. They don’t go there. They don’t even try. I think he’s trying, finally”.

Trump does more than try.

If he stopped helping blacks now, he would have done a lifetime’s work for blacks compared to Obama, admittedly a low mark.

Regardless, Trump performed like Stevie Wonder in his heyday for blacks. Compare Trump’s record to Obama’s and you would believe Trump to be the first black president. And because Democrats lost the “he’s a racist” narrative, and Trump performed like a Motown superstar, Democrats realize they have lost much of the black vote, and rightfully so. Many would ask, “What took so long!?”.

20 percent is light. Still, 20 percent is enough to guarantee Trump a victory in 2020. But blacks will vote for Trump in even larger numbers. Because many have awakened.




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