Out of Options: Obama Finally Endorses Biden

I’ll give it to Obama. He held out like a forty-year-old virgin. But he’s succumbed to the inevitable, and finally accepted the only choice leftist’s have.

Now, Obama endorses Biden for President.

Some may wonder why Obama waited so long. Recall the end of Obama’s presidency. He actually “surprised” Joe Biden with a ceremony where he awarded Biden the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

The bad acting on Biden’s part conveyed that this was in no way a real surprise. But I have a feeling the element of surprise was for a reason. My gut tells me that had Obama foretold the reason for the gathering, few would’ve showed up. Of course, that’s just my opinion. Take it or leave it.

At the time, Obama and Creepy Joe appeared to be thick as thieves. They even had a disgusting “best friend” pledge for all the world to see.

As I wrote several months ago:

So what happened? Joe stepped into the 2020 ring believing he had a heavy-weight behind him.

And based on Obama’s words, it’s easy to see where Biden got such an idea.

“It was eight and a half years ago that I chose Joe to be my vice president,” Obama said. “There has not been a single moment since that time that I have doubted the wisdom of that decision. Joe’s candid and honest counsel has made me a better president and a better commander-in-chief.”

And Biden said the following: “Mr. President, you know as long as there is breath in me, I’ll be there for you. My whole family will be and I know it is reciprocal. “

It’s sweet enough to give anyone a tummy ache.

But Obama refuses to endorse Biden. Did their bromance sour? Or was it fake from the very beginning?

In fact, there were reports coming out right and left, saying Obama urged Biden “NOT to run.” Reportedly, Obama said “You don’t have to do this.”

So What Changed?

The only reason Biden secured such an endorsement is that all the other big names are officially out. But I’m still shocked Obama finally made the move.

As we all know, Obama is obsessed with his “political legacy.” He wanted to go down as one of the greats. But that’s pretty hard to do when you spent eights years destroying the very country you supposedly love.

Trump avenged Obama’s eight years of treason by obliterating Obama on every front. Unemployment (before the coronavirus panic-demic) reached record lows among every ethnic and minority group. Trade is no longer profusely unbalanced. Our borders are far more secure, with many miles of the wall protecting us. In other words, Obama’s legacy is crushed.

In fact, if his legacy could be captured in a photo, it would look something like this:

#TeamKJ, KevinJackson, Obama, legacy, Biden

So the only way for Obama to remain relevant is to put himself back in the public eye. Actually, he’s either very brave, or very dumb. Because at this point, millions of Americans that wasted their vote on Obama now see the writing on the wall.

Obama worked to destroy us. Plain and simple. But he’s willing to use his clever oration skills one more time. And this time, he’ll give Biden a pretty speech colored with accomplishments that never happened. In fact, we can expect anything related to the Ukraine to be carefully omitted.

Bring Back the Bromance

Now, Obama used Twitter to urge voters to put Joe in the game.

CNBC elaborates:

While Obama’s lengthy statement never addressed President Donald Trump by name, the remarks centered around the need for strong, principled leadership in the White House – especially in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

Obama praised Biden for his efforts during the H1N1 outbreak in 2009, helping “to prevent the Ebola epidemic from becoming the type of pandemic we’re seeing now.”

“Joe has the character and the experience to guide us through one of our darkest times and heal us through a long recovery,” Obama said.

“And I know he’ll surround himself with good people – experts, scientists, military officials who actually know how to run the government and care about doing a good job running the government, and know how to work with our allies, and who will always put the American people’s interests above their own.”

Funny! Obama wants to criticize Trump’s coronavirus response! The same guy who practically did nothing during the H1N1 epidemic.


As Kevin Jackson recently pointed out, the Obamas are irrelevant. No matter what they try to convey. And this bromance revival is nothing more than a ruse.

While Democrats pretend to love the Obamas, they long for the 1990s, when the Hillbillies rose to power. The Clinton Dynasty lasted well into the new Millennia. However, the Obamas’ time came and went from 2008 to 2012. By 2016, the Constellation Obama all but faded into the deepest darkest regions of the Universe. Still, Democrats try to convince America that the Obamas remain relevant, despite every indication contrary to that notion.

So why isn’t Obama holding rallies for blacks to counter those of Trump? If Obama is so popular, then he should be able to rally black voters all over the country. But nothing. Not even “virtual” rallies to shore things up for the Dems.

And there is a simple reason he doesn’t. He’s not popular…period. And neither is his wife.









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