Timeline of Obama’s Treasonous Attempt to Get Trump

The timeline surrounding General Flynn’s setup stinks. And the stench lands squarely on Obama.

As we’ve learned, after a meeting with his entire team to bring down Trump, National Security Advisor Susan Rice wrote an unusual email to herself. The note seemed odd at the time. It referenced the meeting and some of the players, all co-conspirators in the most brazen attempted coup in American history.

“President Obama said he wants to be sure that, as we engage with the incoming team, we are mindful to ascertain if there is any reason that we cannot share information fully as it relates to Russia”

The note memorializing the setup of Michael Flynn. And thanks to the tenaciousness of Flynn’s attorney and others, America gets a look inside the corrupt Obama administration machine.

Leaky Pipes

Shortly thereafter, high-level operatives began intensely leaking selective information supporting a supposed Russia-Trump conspiracy theory. Next, the incoming National Security Advisor was ambushed by the FBI. Finally, the incoming Attorney General was backed into a corner. Ultimately, the cabal managed to get the new AG to recuse himself from oversight of investigations of President Trump. At each critical juncture in the operation, explosive media leaks occurred, a key strategy in the operation to take down Trump.

To Susan Rice’s memo, information on Russia was not fully shared with the incoming Trump team, as Obama directs. But far worse, the cabal received the added benefit of making Trump’s transition appear amateurish. The leaks and ambushes scared quality individuals away from working in the administration, thus forcing the Trump team to keep Obama-era holdovers…swamp rats.

Take James Comey for example. It took President Trump until early May to root him out. While Comey was finally fired on May 9, he still managed to orchestrate Mueller’s witch hunt.

That ended badly for the Democrats. But a look at the timeline shows an even more dire future for Democrats and particularly the ring leader: Obama. The Federalist described this key date:

January 4, 2017:

Following the closure of a pretextually dubious and politically motivated FBI investigation of Flynn at the beginning of January, the leadership of the FBI scrambled to reopen a case against Flynn, the man who in his role as National Security Advisor would have to review their Russia collusion investigation. FBI officials openly discussed their concern about briefing the veteran intelligence official on what they had done to the Trump campaign and transition team and what they were planning to do to the incoming Trump administration. Flynn had to be dealt with.

The FBI’s top counterintelligence official would later memorialize discussions about the FBI’s attempts to “get [Flynn] fired.” No reopening was needed, they determined, when they discovered they had failed to close the previous investigation. They found this mistake “amazing” and “serendipitously good” and said “our utter incompetence actually helps us.” Even more noteworthy were texts from FBI’s #2 counterintelligence official Peter Strzok to FBI lawyer Lisa Page noting that the “7th floor,” a reference to Comey and his deputy director Andrew McCabe, was running the show.

January 5, 2017

The cabal to get Trump meets in the Oval Office. The players were as follows:

  • Then-Deputy Director of the FBI Sally Yates
  • Then-FBI Director James Comey
  • Then-Vice President Joe Biden
  • Then-CIA Director John Brennan
  • Then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper
  • Then-National Security Adviser Susan Rice
  • and other members of the national security council (you can bet, all anti-Trump)

We know of this meeting because of the newly declassified documents, including an FD-302 FBI witness report. The report says they discussed Russian election interference. But in truth, everyone in this meeting shared a hatred of the newly elected president, their vitriol is a matter of public record. This meeting brought together the key members of the traitorous activities against President Trump.

According to Fox News, after the briefing Obama asked Yates and Comey to “stay behind”. He then told the two Trump haters and co-conspirators that he had “learned of the information about Flynn” and his conversation with Russia’s ambassador about sanctions. Obama “specified that he did not want any additional information on the matter, but was seeking information on whether the White House should be treating Flynn any differently, given the information.”

Clearly this clandestine meeting was to figure out how to set up Flynn and hurt Trump. All the co-conspirators were present at the meeting. They got their marching orders. And those orders were crystal clear.

In an appearance on Fox News with Maria Bartiromo, Flynn’s attorney Sidney Powell discussed this timeline and the setup of her client:

Bartiromo: “Talk to us about [the meeting in Obama’s office], Sidney, because Sally Yates was there, Jim Comey was there, John Brennan was there, James Clapper was there briefing President Obama in the Oval Office on the Russia probe. Joe Biden and Susan Rice were there as well. This was January 5, 2017. Walk us through it.”

Powell: “Well, the day before, Comey had found and McCabe had found the transcripts of Flynn’s call with Kislyak. And he briefed Clapper on it immediately. Clapper then immediately went and briefed President Obama on it.

Then they have the Oval Office meeting on the 5th. Comey admits in his testimony that the FBI are the people that unmasked General Flynn, our people, whatever that means. And at the meeting on the 5th, Sally Yates was stunned because Obama mentions to her out of the blue about the call and the transcript of the call. She knew nothing about it, because Comey hadn’t briefed DOJ.”

We learned what happened the next day from Powell’s interview:

January 6, 2017:

“So, then they dispatch Comey the very next morning to brief President Trump only on the salacious aspects of the dossier on January 6 to set the news hook for BuzzFeed and CNN to run with the dossier they knew was a lie. Then Peter Strzok is watching a CNN report on that and texts about he and Priestap sitting there watching it and using it as a pretext to go interview some people. So the whole thing was orchestrated and set up within the FBI, Clapper, Brennan, and in the Oval Office meeting that day with President Obama.”

January 24, 2017:

Fox News reported, that Obama undoubtedly knew all the inner workings of the coup:

President Obama was aware of the details of then-incoming national security adviser Michael Flynn’s intercepted December 2016 phone calls with then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, apparently surprising then-Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, according to documents released Thursday as exhibits to the government’s motion to dismiss the Flynn case.

Obama’s unexpectedly intimate knowledge of the details of Flynn’s calls, which the FBI acknowledged at the time were not criminal or even improper, raised eyebrows because of his own history with Flynn — and because top FBI officials secretly discussed whether their goal was to “get [Flynn] fired” when they interviewed him in the White House on January 24, 2017.

January 25, 2017, Obama declared on CBS, 60 Minutes:

“I’m proud of the fact that we are the first administration in modern history that hasn’t had a major scandal in the White House.”

Literally days after implementing the biggest political scandal in American history, Obama puts the seal of approval on his crime. He proclaims to the world that his administration had no scandals.

I’m not sure what Obama meant. But he claimed his administration had never been caught in a scandal. Further, they confidently believed they would never be caught, because Hillary Clinton would become president. Legacy secured.

Contrary to Obama’s declaration is the truth. The truth being that Obama knew of the setup of Flynn and sanctioned it.

Also, we know that Flynn is a stand-up guy. Because Obama wanted him out.

Obama personally had warned the Trump administration against hiring Flynn, and made clear he was “not a fan,” according to multiple officials. Obama fired Flynn as head of the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2014. [Obama] cited insubordination. However, Flynn asserted [Obama] pushed him out for his aggressive stance on combating Islamic extremism.

Now that you know the timeline, let’s look at some of the players and their comments about Donald Trump:

James Clapper, Obama’s Director of National Intelligence:

December 18, 2017, CNN. “Vladimir Putin knows how to handle an asset and that’s what he’s doing with the President (Trump).”
Under oath at the House Intelligence Committee. July 17, 2017:

“I never saw any direct empirical evidence that the Trump campaign or someone in it was plotting or conspiring with the Russians to meddle in the election.”

Andrew McCabe, Deputy Director of the FBI:

February 17, 2019. Answering CNN’s Anderson Cooper’s question “Do you think that President Trump could be a Russian asset?”
“I think that’s possible.”

Under oath to the House Intelligence Committee questions in December 2017:

“We have not been able to prove the accuracy of all the information.”

“What is the most damning or important piece of evidence in the dossier. You don’t know if it’s true or not?”
McCabe’s reply, “That’s correct.”

Samantha Power, US Ambassador to the United Nations:

December 11, 2019. Late Show, CBS, laughingly, “I think Putin has received a very high return on his investment (meaning President Trump).”

Samantha Power to House intelligence Committee; “I am not in possession and didn’t read or absorb information that came out of the intelligence community.”

But Samantha Power did request the unmasking of 260 American citizens during 2016 toward the end of the Obama Administration.

Susan Rice, Obama’s National Security Advisor:

July 2018. This Week, ABC; “He (Trump) has taken a number of steps that Vladimir Putin couldn’t have handled more effectively.”

Susan Rice in front of the House Intelligence Committee, September 8, 2017; “I don’t recall intelligence that I would consider evidence to that effect.”

But Susan Rice made requests for the unmasking on American citizens, members of the Trump campaign.

John Brennan, CIA Director:

August 17, 2018. NBC. Meet the Press. “I call his (Trump’s) behavior treasonous…to aid and abet the enemy…and I very much stand by that claim.”

Brennan addressed President Trump in a tweet dated March 20, 2019, “The Special Council will soon further complicate your life, putting your political and financial future in jeopardy.”

Brennan on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, March 26, 2019. “I don’t know if I received bad information, but I think I suspected there was more than there actually was.”

Remember these dates and comments as things continue to heat up.

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