Leftists repeatedly try to make Captain Joe Demento relevant, but the public isn’t buying it.
We all know Biden is not more popular than 2008 Barack Obama, and thus didn’t really win the election. History will vindicate all of us who have the balls to still report the truth, while not pursuing “clicks” to get read. For the few people left who find my work, congratulations to us both.
I refuse to kowtow to cancel culture. Thus, I will write the truth even if I’m the only person able to view it. Thus, I repeat: Biden didn’t win the election. Instead it was stolen from Trump. And real polling suggests that most Americans believe this to be true.
So why shut down people questioning that? Do Leftists really believe that if they shut Conservatives out of social media they have canceled our thoughts?
Let’s look at how that’s working for them.
Rasmussen reports:
Less than a month after President Joe Biden’s inauguration, most voters believe the Democrat is “a puppet of the radical left” and not the moderate “nice guy” he was portrayed as being during the election campaign.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 54% of Likely U.S. Voters say they agree with this statement: “Joe Biden’s not the moderate nice guy that they made him out to be. He’s a puppet of the radical left.” Forty percent (40%) of voters disagree. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
Not surprisingly, Don Trump, Jr. agrees. In a recent interview, Trump said:
“We’re more popular with the base now than we were on Election Day, I think because they realize how bad it is. They realize the tech censorship, which we talked about extensively. Now they realize that the lies that the media sold them … they realize that they have been played. They realize that they’ve been sold in a bill of goods that was nonsense. Joe Biden’s not the moderate nice guy that they made him out to be. He’s a puppet of the radical Left, and he’s their dream guy because they’ll sign whatever they put in front of them, and he doesn’t know the difference,” Trump exclaimed.
Told Ya So
Biden’s “win” is the biggest loss we’ve experienced. And sadly, conservatives can now say “I told you so” with pure conviction. But this wasn’t anything any of us wanted to be right about.
No one wants a president who is already failing and will continue to fail for as long as he sits comfortably in the Oval Office. Like Obama, Biden bypasses Congress by writing one executive order after another. And so far, it looks like all he knows how to do is undo the work of President Trump.
That means Biden is actively working to steal our “greatness” just because Trump bestowed it upon us.
After just one week in office, the Washington Post made these observations.