What happens when our trusty Government proves to be lying through its teeth? Because that’s exactly what just happened when three senators tested positive for the WuFlu.
I’m going to be honest here. I’ve pissed off a lot of people with my stance on this vaccination. I don’t trust it. And the biggest reason for that is the fact that our government keeps on denying the dangers.
Listen, if my President said “we’ve got some vaccination options. We’ve seen some serious complications, but we still feel the vaccination is a better option.” At least then I might consider their opinions. Especially if the bottom line was “it’s your body, your choice.” Heck, I thought leftists really believed in that mantra.
Apparently, you have the right to kill your baby, just not the right to decide whether or not you will hold up against the WuFlu. Talk about assassination of personal freedoms. Especially when there’s an entire movement of anti-vaxxers. These people won’t vaccinate their children with vaccinations that have been around for decades. And they make no bones about it- they are choosing the option they see as the safest one for their children. That is every parent’s fundamental right. But I digress. The point of this story wasn’t the vaccination. Instead, the point is dishonest.
Downright Lies
The scamdemic highlighted more government lies than ObamaCare. Remember when you could keep your doctor? That’s stone cold truth in comparison to the WuFlu ruse.
As Kevin Jackson recently wrote:
Feds lied about the number of people who contracted Wuflu…it’s MUCH higher.
Next, they lied about the number of people who DIED from Wuflu…it’s MUCH lower.
The Fed currently won’t report real stats on people dying from vaccines, nor will they publicize stats on people with side-effects from the vaccine. Along those same lines, the Fed under-reports the inefficacy of the vaccine, ergo no reporting on REAL stats around people with the shot getting sick. And they are.
Of course, the government denies that vaccinated people get covid. Or, they spin it to say the WuFlu is much, much worse if you’re unvaccinated. Again, bold face lies. Thus, its almost comical when the coronavirus strikes Congress.
As Fox News reports:
Three U.S. senators announced Thursday that they contracted COVID-19 despite being fully vaccinated.
Sens. Roger Wicker, R-Miss.;Angus King, I-Maine, and John Hickenlooper, D-Colo., said they tested positive after experiencing mild or limited symptoms and are currently isolating to stop further spread of coronavirus.
Positive COVID-19 tests among the vaccinated population are considered “breakthrough” cases amid the arrival of the highly contagious delta variant.
“I’ve tested positive for a breakthrough case of COVID-19,” tweeted Hickenlooper. “I feel good but will isolate per docs instructions. I’m grateful for the vaccine (& the scientists behind it!) for limiting my symptoms.”
These senators should be calling out vaccine makers. Not praising them.
Fox adds:
King still encouraged others to get vaccinated because he believes his symptoms would be much worse without it.
“While I am not feeling great, I’m definitely feeling much better than I would have without the vaccine,” King said in a statement that described his symptoms as “mildly feverish.”
“I am taking this diagnosis very seriously, quarantining myself at home and telling the few people I’ve been in contact with to get tested in order to limit any further spread,” he added.
Wicker’s communication director Phillip Waller said the senator sought a test due to “mild symptoms.”
“Senator Wicker is fully vaccinated against COVID-19, is in good health, and is being treated by his Tupelo-based physician,” Waller said in a statement. “He is isolating, and everyone with whom Senator Wicker has come in close contact recently has been notified.”
Since July, several other vaccinated members of Congress have announced positive coronavirus tests, including Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., and Reps. Sharice Davids, D-Kan., Vern Buchanan, R-Fla., Clay Higgins, R-La., and Ralph Norman, R-S.C.
Of course, the government isn’t giving up yet. They still want you to blindly hold out your arm and play Russian Roulette with a covid needle.
Just this week, U.S. health officials announced plans to offer a third booster shot to Americans starting in September over concerns the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines’ effectiveness is waning in the face of the delta variant.
Hickenlooper encouraged those who haven’t got the shot to “get it today! And a booster when it’s available too.”
Personally, I’d rather eat dirt. From a pig farm.