Stories about Leftists showcase just how crazy these people are. And the trial of Jussie Smollett represents the crème de la crème.
Understand that Smollett hired two big black Jamaican friends to stage an attack on him. Then when caught he throws his friends under the bus and accuses them of being homophobic.
With friends like Smollett, who needs enemies.
Refresh me, but didn’t Smollett say that his original “fake” attackers were racists and homophobic? There seems to be a pattern here.
Further, not that you need more evidence against Smollett, but he rehearsed the attack prior to the real “fake” attack.
Two brothers arrested for an alleged attack on Jussie Smollett recounted for Chicago police how the ex-“Empire” actor orchestrated the hoax, telling them via text message to meet him “on the low,” paying for supplies and holding a “dry run” in downtown Chicago, the lead investigator testified Tuesday.
I repeat; Smollett enlists friends to help him stage an attack so he can get more money from his job. And when he gets caught he turns on his friends.
For the record, I say to Leftists that unless you have a conservative friend or two who tolerate you, you have no real friends.
The Smollett is underway. And the first person to testify was former Chicago police detective Michael Theis.
Theis testified that he initially viewed the actor as a victim of a homophobic and racist attack. He added that police “absolutely” didn’t rush to judgment, an allegation raised by Smollett’s defense attorney alleged during opening statements Monday.
Truth be told, this case should not be a trial. It is a waste of taxpayer money, because Smollett is guilty. Thus, the case highlights glaring problems with Leftists.
In this case, Smollett is obviously guilty, but has no intention of admitting that. So he’s willing to roll the dice. Nobody sane would do this. He’s as caught as finger-wagging Bill Clinton whose “giz” was on Monica’s dress.
What did Smollett cost taxpayers already?
According to Theis, roughly two dozen detectives clocked some 3,000 hours on what they thought was a “horrible hate crime” in January 2019.
3000 hours on made-up nonsense. And let’s not forget the bigger implications.
Theirs speaks to the big picture as he commented that CPD detectives were excited as the investigation progressed. Because they were able to track the movements of two suspected attackers using surveillance video, and cellphone and rideshare records.
Theis reminded the court that the case had become national and international news. He said “everybody from the mayor on down wanted to know what happened,” a reference to then-Mayor Rahm Emanuel.
In other words, Chicago’s Leftist elites considered this a high-profile case due to Smollett being black and gay. Further, Smollett was a rising star, a Hollywood person who had been targeted, according to his story.
This story had all the elements. Black, gay male, targeted by racist white Trump supporters. But it was missing one crucial element: truth.
Interestingly, Smollett’s new case against his friends and accomplices is missing the same element. But at least he was kind enough to text them his love and solidarity.