Howard Stern Warns Chris Wallace: Bad Move!

Howard Stern isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. But sometimes, he actually makes a good point.

Such was the case when Stern heard of Chris Wallace’s departure from Fox News. The shock jock weighed in on Wallace, CNN, and CNN+, the network’s desperate attempt to curate viewers after spending years at the bottom of the ratings.

Mediaite Writes:

“I always liked Chris Wallace on Fox News,” Stern said on Monday’s edition of The Howard Stern Show. “I always thought he was a level-headed guy. The guy actually pulled it off,” Stern said. “I used to watch him on Fox News and go, ‘How does he put up with this sh*t?’”

“I gotta tell ya,” Stern said. “People don’t watch CNN, who the hell is going to pay for CNN+? Are they out of their mind? CNN+, I mean what is that? Regular CNN isn’t enough?”

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On that we can all agree!

The Fake News Network might as start running stories about alien invasions in the middle of Brooklyn. At least then they’d have more truth that what CNN currently dishes out.

Mediaite continues:

Stern said he won’t pay for CNN+ and doesn’t expect others to either. “Good luck being seen on that thing,” Stern said. “I mean I like Chris Wallace, but I’m not paying a monthly service fee.”

Stern then speculated Wallace is leaving Fox News because the streaming service offered him more money. “He was on Fox News for 18 years, I’m sure they’re pissed because they were pretty loyal to him. They probably weren’t coming up with the dough re mi,” Stern said. “I mean they probably offered him some good money.”

Stern then suggested Wallace is heading to CNN for the work culture. “Maybe he said to himself, ‘They just had Jeffrey Toobin jerking off on a zoom meeting, and they didn’t really fire him, so that’s probably a good place to work. You can jerk off on your zoom and not get fired,’” Stern said. “I think he saw an opportunity.”

Now that Wallace is heading to CNN+, Stern has some programming ideas. “What are they going to put on CNN+ to get someone to pay?” Stern wondered. “Maybe they will take the Cuomo brothers and have them talk p*ssy unedited,” Stern said. “The world is so f*cked up.”

Let’s just hope Chris Cuomo isn’t the new guy at Fox!

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