United Airlines jumped on the vaccine mandate train quickly, once Biden announced his unconstitutional and illegal vaccine mandates.
And now the airlines suffers the consequences, as United experienced over the weekend. United’s CEO and his “woke” leadership will doom that company.
While flight cancellations over the weekend weren’t limited to United, that airline suffered the brunt. The airline blamed the Omicron variant for its problems. However, the bigger problem was CEO Scott Kirby.
In a business that needs butts in the seats, Kirby created his own supply-chain issues as noted by CNN Business’ Pete Muntean. He reported that “More than 6,000 flights canceled on Christmas weekend.”
Citing FlightAware, Muntean noted that “United canceled 201 flights on Friday, representing 10% of its total schedule, and 238 flights on Saturday, representing 12% of its schedule.”
If this keeps up, the buying public will revolt. When you make a flight to get where you want or need to be, you want to depend on the carrier to make that happen. If it doesn’t happen, then you will eventually choose a more reliable carrier.
I can see the ad for a new airline soon: “When you absolutely positively must be there on time!”
Oh wait, that slogan might be taken.
Worse for United, their customer service. Or is it customer non-service, disservice, or no service?
Regardless, don’t expect much service from United. Because if an airline doesn’t care about its employees, it certainly don’t care about its customers.
According to Dawn Gilbertson with USA Today, on December 24 noted that with customer service phone lines, “United was quoting a 25- to 30-minute wait. And when you managed to get through to United’s reservations line, you got a recording that claimed ‘significant weather’ has impacted its call center staffing and urged travelers without flights in the next 72 hours to call back later.”
Messages from United sent to travelers noted that cancelations were “due to an increase in Covid cases limiting crew availability.”
So weather and what I like to call the Wuflu scamdemic: the climate change of healthcare are the reasons for United’s problems.
A United pilot leaked a memo to “All pilots”. According to Town Hall, the memo read:
“The nationwide spike in Omicron cases this week has had a direct impact in our flight crews and the people who run our operation. As a result, we’ve unfortunately had to cancel some flights and are notifying impacted customers in advance of them coming to the airport.”
Perhaps it was the impact of Scott Kirby’s edict?
Another memo obtained by Townhall to “Inflight services” addressed “Maintaining availability throughout the holiday season.” It read in part that
“For the first half of December, roughly 15% of flight attendants have called in sick for their assignments, which equates to nearly 700 sick calls every day. While rates are already elevated, we are projecting rates to rise by 25% or more for the remainder of the month. Our projections show an especially challenging environment in our small bases and satellites, where rates are exceeding those at our hubs–yet we gave fewer available reserves to protect the operation.”
I say to the former employees of United, hold on. Because they will eventually ask you back.
At that point, make your demands and get them in writing before you rejoin the company, at double or triple your pre-Wuflu pay.
With over 2,000 former employees, you have clout. How can United cry “Wuflu pain”, when their problems are self-inflicted?
As for other leftist CEOs out there, heed my words. There is no future in woke.