Beto Ruins SxSW With Political Propaganda

Can't politicians leave the fun alive?

If you’re not a Texan, or a huge music fan, you may not know what SxSW is. So let me enlighten you.

South by Southwest, abbreviated as SXSW and colloquially referred to as South By, is an annual conglomeration of parallel film, interactive media, and music festivals and conferences organized jointly that take place in mid-March in Austin. Founded in 1987, SxSW celebrates the convergence of tech, film, music, education, and culture.

That’s the fancy definition. In layman’s terms, it’s one big party. So why in the world would it need politicians to show up? Especially leftists.

One might think their liberal views would be the life of the party. And maybe at one point in America, that would’ve been true. But these days– most liberals are leftists and all leftists are poisonous. Sad, but true.

Now, Beto O’Rourke showed up and killed the party with his leftist lies. I guess since he failed to unseat Ted Cruz, and he failed to become President of the United States, he’s set his sights on Greg Abbott’s job. But don’t worry, he won’t even come close.

Fox 7 adds:

Texas Democratic gubernatorial candidate Beto O’Rourke spoke at SXSW (South by Southwest) on Saturday, a music festival and media event in Austin, Texas.

O’Rourke is facing current Republican Texas Governor Greg Abbott in a bid for governor, who he slammed as a “thug” in his SXSW discussion.

“He’s a thug, he’s an authoritarian,” O’Rourke said of Abbott on Saturday.

“We’ve gotta get past this guy, this extremism, these fringe politics that are so deeply hurting people in the state of Texas,” O’Rourke said of Abbott.

O’Rourke also accused Abbott of having a “crazed fixation” on transgender children, saying that the governor was failing to bolster resources and protections for sex-trafficked children.

“Those same kids who were rescued from sex traffickers, are now being trafficked for sex by their guardians in the state of Texas,” O’Rourke claimed. “The governor knew there was a problem for four months, and he did not do sh–.”

Is this guy serious?

Beto called Abbott a thug? The same guy that once fantasized about running children over with his car? To be honest, I’m surprised Democrats put Beto on any ticket after he got away with more than $38M he refused to hand over when he bowed out of the presidential race. We’ll come back to that.

Would Beto have been a better choice than Biden? That’s tough to say considering Beto’s ridiculous ideas and Biden’s lack of them.

As for thug, let’s not forget that O’Rourke comes from a long line of scammers. Beto’s father used his position and influence to make a drug charge disappear. His mother owned a furniture store that was brought down by the IRS.

The Houston Chronicle reported:

The store came under IRS scrutiny in 2010 for making a series of cash deposits of just under $10,000, allegedly designed to avoid financial reporting requirements. According to prosecutors, the transactions totaled more than $1 million, about $630,000 of it from a “particular customer” who has never been publicly identified.

And what of Young “Beto”?

You don’t have to look too hard to learn that Beto was a miscreant of the highest order.

According to court documents obtained in 2012 by a congressional opponent, and then relayed though a campaign ad aired in El Paso, O’Rourke had been arrested in 1995 for breaking and entering, as well as attempted burglary, in which he defended in a Washington Post interview stating it was a “prank gone awry.”

O’Rourke was arrested again in 1998 for driving under the influence, in which he did not defend, and called the incident “stupid” and regretted his decision.

No wonder the Democrats love the man. He has the full Progressive pedigree.

Back to the $38M scam.

He played a Latino, running against a REAL Latino in Texas. If that wasn’t enough, Beto ran as a Democrat!

O’Rourke knew he had no chance to beat Cruz, and that was the allure. The impossible dream; the underdog story is what he needed to convince other Leftists that they needed to knock off a real Republican sacred cow.

And the media was all too happy to play along.

The white guy who speaks Spanish. Hell, he even has a Spanish nickname, and could topple the Republicans REAL Latino. What a story!

So Beto raised a fortune. $38 million in the bank, because at one point the media reported that Beto was closing in on Ted Cruz. Then the bottom fell out. People started looking into the O’Rourkes. Then, the race was over before the ballots were even cast.

In addition to being a hacker with some cult, writing disturbing stories, and being an all around weird guy, he’s also just a good old-fashioned crook.

Our own Chris Stetsko once listed some of O’Rourke’s scandals.

Beto $henanigans

In 2013 Congressman O’Rourke violated a warning from the House Ethics Committee about participating in Initial Public Offerings (IPO), since many of the transactions are not available to the general public.

O’Rourke played the rebel, and disregarded the warning, as Roll Call details:

Rep. Beto O’Rourke, D-Texas, reported in periodic transaction reports that he and his spouse took part in numerous IPOs often buying and selling on the same day as the public offering. These included:

Between $1,000 and $15,000 of Palo Alto Networks sold on 5/16. (IPO in July 2012)

Between $1,000 and $15,000 of Third PT REins LTD bought on 8/15.

Between $1,000 and $15,000 of Noodles & Company sold on 6/28, although there was no reported purchase.

Between $1,000 and $15,000 in RetailMenot Ins. Services bought and sold on 7/18.

Between $1,000 and $15,000 of Phillips 66 Partners LP bought on 7/23 and sold on 7/24.

Between $1,000 and $15,000 of Pandora Media bought and sold on 9/19. (IPO in June 2011)

Between $1,000 and $15,000 of Plains GP Holdings LP bought on 10/16. Spouse only.

Between $1,000 and $15,000 of MIH Coinvestors sold on 10/18, although there was no reported purchase. It may relate to GP Holdings LP. Spouse only.

Between $1,000 and $15,000 of Surgical Care Affiliates bought on 10/30.

Between $1,000 and  $15,000 of 58 Com Inc. bought and sold on 10/31.

Between $1,000 and  $15,000 of Twitter Inc. bought and sold on 11/7.

Meanwhile, Governor Abbott’s been busy squashing a scamdemic, keeping Texans at work, and running one of the largest states in the nation during the uncertain times of a Biden administration. Let’s get real. Beto could never pull that off. So why ruin a perfectly good music festival with his appearance?



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