While the mainstream media is being forced to admit their cover-up of the Biden laptop story, the GOP wants Hunter Biden to go on the record.
However, I’m guessing no one is actually surprised that Democrats blocked the subpoena asking the crackhead to testify.
It’s been almost two years since the news first broke regarding Hunter Biden and the laptop he abandoned at a local repair shop. The mainstream media played it off as Conspiracy Theory 101. All that changed just a few days ago when Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) on April 3 claimed that some major media outlets have been “caught in a coverup”.
As you may recall, the New York Post originally broke the story. And they were quickly quieted by the Big Tech censors who now police our lives.
The Epoch Times reports:
The Post’s editorial board also stressed that President Joe Biden himself had not “acted corruptly.”
Johnson told Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Morning Futures” that the recent admissions by both The New York Times and The Washington Post prove “how complicit the media was” in concealing Hunter Biden’s laptop before the 2020 presidential election.
“I really think what the New York Times and Washington Post stories prove is how complicit they have been and continue to be in the cover-up,” Johnson said. “And, you know, quite honestly, they’re not impartial. They are the defenders of the Democratic Party of the radical left. You know, The Washington Post learned a lot from their coverage of Nixon. When you get caught up in a coverup—and that’s what happened, the media get caught up in a coverup. They are caught with their lies.”
Purposeful Lies by Omission
What’s so fascinating is the way Democrats justify their lies. Or worse, believe their lies to be truth. In that case, we have an entire party of sociopaths running the nation. Clearly, they’ve learned nothing from history.
ET continues:
Johnson said that some outlets had participated in “what they call a limited hangout, or in [President Richard] Nixon’s case, a modified limited hangout. You’ve let out just enough information, just enough truth to try to get you by the moment.”
A modified limited hangout is a public relations or propaganda technique in which the individual or official involved releases some information that was previously hidden, albeit still retaining important key facts, in an effort to prevent more important details from being exposed.
According to former CIA official Victor Marchetti, the technique results in the public being “so intrigued by the new information that it never thinks to pursue the matter further.”
“We can’t allow our intelligence agencies, the Department of Justice, the FBI, or the media to get away with this,” Johnson said. “This is serious business. This is incredible corruption at the highest levels of government and within our media.
“We are all being snookered by them. This has been a—from my standpoint—a massive diversionary operation to, you know, to try to take the American public’s attention away from their wrongdoing, their lies, their cover-ups.”
He said that “now we have actual bank records that verify what we reported” and that Hunter Biden’s “laptop is obviously a treasure-trove of additional corroborating evidence as well.”
100% Sellout
As we’ve stated for months, Biden sold us to the Chinese by way of his wayward son before he even won the election. That should scare us to death.
According to a recent article from The Washington Post—which hired two security experts to authenticate what is purportedly Hunter Biden’s laptop, documents, and messages on the device—Biden pursued a deal with Chinese Communist Party-linked energy firm CEFC China Energy, and its executives “paid $4.8 million to entities controlled by Hunter Biden and his uncle [James Biden].”
Further emails related to his work for the Ukrainian gas company Burisma Holdings, of which he was a board member.
President Donald Trump previously claimed that Biden, while still vice president, threatened to withhold $1 billion from Ukraine unless a prosecutor investigating Burisma was ousted.
White House chief of staff Ron Klain told ABC News’ “This Week” on April 3 that Biden believes his son didn’t break the law with regards to his overseas business ties in China, Ukraine, and other countries.
“Of course, the president is confident that his son didn’t break the law,” Klain said.
Biden himself has also stated that his son “did nothing wrong at Burisma.”
Of course, if Biden believes his son is so innocent, why the lies?
Why not own what he did, like the time he went down to Ukraine and tossed a few threats around?
When history looks back, the left will be forced to admit just how much of a farce Trump’s impeachment trial was.
As it was unfolding, many of my friends and family asked me to put the Ukraine saga in layman’s terms. And each time, I got the drift that they were waiting for something more to make it all make sense.
However, stringing it all together exposed what a ridiculous tale it was. Biden’s son had a shady job. He was raking in the millions. Then a prosecutor was going to look into it. So, Biden hopped a plane, and made it clear to the Ukraine. “Fire the prosecutor, or you don’t get a dime.” Yep, he planned to withhold billions. Fast forward a few years, Trump told Ukraine leaders they might want to find out where those millions went. Then, BOOM! He abused his powers. Wash. Rinse, repeat.
Any time I gave this summary, I got a look. Then someone would blurt out, “that’s really all?” I get it. It never even came close to “define sexual relations,” but that’s all the Democrats could muster. Which is why they needed the Big Cheat to get a win.
Here we are, two years after the left managed to pull off the biggest steal in election history. Finally, the truth is starting to fester like a splinter lodged in the heel of your foot. It’s bound to come out.
That leaves the left with only one option. They must do whatever it takes to keep the First Crackhead quiet. He’s bound to forget what lies he’s told to which people.
ET adds:
Democrats on the House Oversight Committee have blocked a Republican-backed subpoena to compel Hunter Biden to testify as a witness.
“Democrats just denied our motion to subpoena Hunter Biden,” the Republican members of the committee wrote on Twitter. “They refuse to hold Hunter accountable for his shady business dealings that make us more dependent on China for renewable energy. It’s past time for accountability.”
Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) made a motion to subpoena Hunter Biden, President Joe Biden’s son, as a witness at its hearing about making all U.S. Postal Service (USPS) vehicles electric.
“I just made a motion to subpoena Hunter Biden as a witness for the House Oversight and Reform Committee’s hearing on electrifying [the USPS],” Biggs wrote on Twitter. “Hunter sold a U.S. cobalt mine to a Chinese company. Cobalt is necessary for electric car production. Hunter’s expertise is invaluable!”
Last week, House Republicans on the Oversight and Reform Committee called him to testify, according to a letter issued by Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.), and Democrats on the committee blocked a motion to issue a subpoena.
It came as White House press secretary Jen Psaki said on April 5 that Biden has “never spoken” with his son about “his overseas business dealings.”
Right. I’m sure that’s true. And I’ve never called the president an idiot.