Biolabs in Ukraine: Where’s the Truth?

Putin said that the U.S. was targeting Russia, potentially for a biological attack.

Now he has official proof that the U.S. had biolabs in Ukraine.

We Love Trump wrote:

The old saying goes the only difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth is six months.

A breaking report from the Pentagon has confirmed that the United States has worked collaboratively with Ukraine by providing the country with security, safety, and disease surveillance for 46 Biolabs in the country.

The Pentagon report would go on to say “this work, which was often conducted in partnership with outside organizations, such as the WHO and the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), has resulted in safer and more effective disease surveillance and detection”

The Pentagon would go on to reassure in their report that they are “unaware” if Ukraine has any biological weapons.

Interestingly, Biden didn’t admit this for some time.

Here’s the official report from the Pentagon:

The United States has also worked collaboratively to improve Ukraine’s biological safety, security, and disease surveillance for both human and animal health, providing support to 46 peaceful Ukrainian laboratories, health facilities, and disease diagnostic sites over the last two decades. The collaborative programs have focused on improving public health and agricultural safety measures at the nexus of nonproliferation.

This work, often conducted in partnership with outside organizations, such as the WHO and the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), has resulted in safer and more effective disease surveillance and detection. Ukrainian scientists have acted consistent with international best practices and norms in publishing research results, partnering with international colleagues and multilateral organizations, and widely distributing their research and public health findings.

Ukraine owns and operates its public health laboratories and associated infrastructure, and the United States is proud to collaborate, cooperate, and provide assistance in support of this infrastructure. These facilities operate just like other state or local public health and research laboratories around the world. Furthermore, all equipment and training provided by the United States is subject to U.S. export control processes, audits, and acquisition laws and regulations, which ensures transparency and compliance with domestic and international laws.

Meanwhile, other news emerged that puts an interesting spin on things. This recent headline caught my eye.

United States D.O.D issued a contract for ‘COVID-19 Research’ in Ukraine 3 months before COVID-19 officially existed!

Hold the presses, are we saying the United States was looking into covid long before the scamdemic turned an entire generation into welfare rats while singlehandedly destroying the strongest economy we’ve seen in decades?

It was early 2020 when words like “WuFlu” and “coronavirus” started making the rounds in our daily conversations. We heard about an illness originating in the Wuhan lab in China. This flu-like illness wasn’t officially name until February of 2020- when the World Health Organization dubbed this coronavirus “covid-19.”

Experts and officials all say this is the truth. These are the facts. But if that’s really the case, why does data from our own government show the Department of Defense awarded a contract on Nov. 12, 2019 to Labryrinth Global Health INC. for “Covid-19 Research”, and the timing is more than just suspect.

These are not undertakings we can safely ignore. This is beyond the man on the grassy knoll. And this is way past the death of Marilyn Monroe. This is the United States Government engaging is a “Biological threat reduction program in Ukraine.”

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Definitive Proof

Unlike most conspiracy theories, there is definitive truth that this contract was issued. In fact, it’s right out in the open.

As one article reports:

The Government of the United States has a website called ‘USA Spending‘, an official open data source of federal spending information. According to the site as of 12th April 2021, the US Government has spent a mind-blowing $3.63 trillion “in response to COVID-19”. But that’s not the only information on Covid that can be found on the site.

Hidden within the ‘Award Search’ are details on a contract awarded by the Department of Defense to a company named ‘Black & Veatch Special Projects Corp‘, which is allegedly “a global engineering, procurement, consulting and construction company specialising in infrastructure development”.

The contract was awarded on September 20th, 2012 and is described as “Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services”. Obviously, this is very vague and most likely of little interest to anyone who happens to stumble across it. But there is something contained deep within the details that should be of interest to anyone and everyone.

The ‘Award History’ for the contract contains a tab for ‘Sub-Awards’ detailing the recipients, action date, amount, and a very brief description for 115 Sub-Award transactions. Most of the Sub-Awards are extremely mundane for things such as “laboratory equipment for Kyiv”, or “office furniture for Kyiv”.

But there is one Sub-Award that stands out among the rest, and it was awarded to Labyrinth Global Health INC for “SME Manuscript Documentation and COVID-19 Research”.

An award for Covid-19 research isn’t exactly shocking when the world is allegedly in the grip of a Covid-19 pandemic, but considering the fact the sub-contract was awarded 12th November 2019, at least one month before the alleged emergence of the novel coronavirus, and three months before it was officially dubbed Covid-19, the award for Covid-19 research should come as a shock to everyone.

Wait, There’s More!

Clearly, the shock doesn’t end there, because the place the contact for Covid-19 research was instructed to take place was Ukraine, as was the entire contract awarded by the DOD to Black & Veatch Special Projects Corp.

The contract details found on the ‘USA Spending’ site actually reveal that the specific DOD department that awarded the contract was the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA). The contract was awarded 20th September 2012, and concluded on 13th October 2020.

Whilst the details are vague, the US Government site also reveals that $21.7 million of the $116.6 million contract was spent on a ‘Biological threat reduction program in Ukraine’.

Why did the Department of Defense pay a company that is allegedly “a global engineering, procurement, consulting and construction company specialising in infrastructure development”, to help implement a “Biological threat reduction program in Ukraine’?

And why did both the DOD and said company then pay Labyrinth Global Health INC to carry out COVID-19 research in Ukraine at least one month before the alleged emergence of the novel coronavirus, and three months before it was officially dubbed Covid-19?

Founded in 2017, Labyrinth Global Health is allegedly a “women-owned small business with deep expertise and a proven track record supporting initiatives for scientific and medical advancement.”

They describe themselves as “a multicultural and international organization with offices in four countries and a team of experts with diverse backgrounds and competencies, including microbiology, virology, global health, emerging infectious disease nursing, medical anthropology, field epidemiology, clinical research, and health information systems.”

One of those offices just happens to be located in Kyiv, Ukraine, which the company dubs “a gateway to Eastern Europe”.


We could dig even further, like who runs the place? But I think we should start with understanding why Labryinth Global Health has been collaborating with Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance, and Ernest Wolfe’s Metabiota since it first formed in 2017.

One last question.

The media seems to have mixed opinions on what’s really happening right before our very eyes.

Russia says these biolabs exist. Ukraine says they don’t. Who’s telling the truth? Any of them? And why does it seem like the United States has eggs in both baskets.



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