Exposed: COVID Policies Destroyed Democrat-Run States

Remember when all the Leftists claimed the states like Florida were killing people due to Governor Ron DeSantis’ (R-FL) policies related to the Chinese virus?

Moreover, these same Leftists gave awards to New York Governor Andrew “Love Gov” Cuomo (D-NY) for killing hundreds of senior citizens living in retirement communities.

As you mull over these two very different scenarios, understand that Leftists purported themselves to be experts on the subject. So let’s look at the outcome of their expert analysis.

According to the Wall Street Journal, red states are winning and blue states are losing.

I know; shocking… NOT!

The overall share of US jobs in red states has jumped more than half a percentage point since February 2020. Further, red states as a group have not only won back all their pandemic job losses; they’ve added around 341,000 more. By contrast, blue states still face a deficit of 1.3 million jobs as of May.

As I indicated earlier, Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s and Mayor Bill de Blasio’s pandemic policies crushed the state, and particularly New York state’s crown jewel– New York City.

Commercial shutdown of businesses, coupled with mask and vaccine mandates cratered New York’s economy. Also, school closures created difficulties for parents who worked. These policies crippled the ability for most people to thrive in the Empire State and The Big Apple.

Despite evidence proving that these policies were ineffective, New York’s feckless leaders doubled-down on reckless policy decisions. They stood firm on idiotic policy decisions in an effort to thwart President Trump.

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New York already had massive problems.

The tax policies in the state chased away many of New York’s wealthiest citizens; most heading to Florida. Policies of Cuomo forced people and businesses to leave the state, costing billions in revenue.

Red states like Florida and Texas disregarded the insanity of Fauci the fraud, and other so-called experts. DeSantis and Goveror Greg Abbott (R-TX) followed the real science. They never bought into the many lies told by Fauci and the CDC. These governors keep their businesses open, their schools open, and maintained some semblance of freedom. Because of their rational actions, their states prospered.

Blue states experienced a 6.3 percent reduction in population between July 2020 and July 2021. New York City was also among the biggest population shrinkers, with a 3.5 percent decline. Compare this to red states who had three of the fastest-growing cities over that period in Texas, three more in Florida and another three in Idaho.

Red states gained congressional seats, as blue states lost them. But there were other gains that should be recognized. For example, Florida notched a record-high budget surplus due to their actions during the scamdemic. Meanwhile, Texas has been setting and breaking budget records since January.

The lessons.

Leftists have no experts; just propagandists. Don’t believe a word they say. To paraphrase Ronald Reagan: “Don’t trust, and always verify.”

Also, Leftists do nothing for the best interest of the people; they look only for ways to profit personally. When comes to investigating corruption and ineptness, a simple rule of thumb is as true today as ever: follow the money.


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