It was Zuckerberg’s comments about how Facebook treated posts that could have spread misinformation ahead of the 2020 presidential election that sparked the most Twitter chatter on Friday, including House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, accusing the FBI and Big Tech of “silencing” news stories.
This stemmed from Rogan’s pressing Zuckerberg on Facebook’s moderation of the New York Post’s controversial 2020 story about the contents of laptop that reportedly had belonged to Hunter Biden.
Zuckerberg told Rogan that Facebook took warnings from the FBI about foreign influence in the 2020 election and polarizing content seriously at the time.
Image courtesy: CNN
“The FBI basically came to us … [saying], ‘Hey, just so you know, you should be on high alert. We thought that there was a lot of Russian propaganda in the 2016 election. We have it on notice that basically there is about to be some kind of dump that’s similar to that, so just be vigilant,’ ” Zuckerberg said.
And while Zuckerberg said he didn’t remember whether the FBI had mentioned the Post’s laptop story in its 2020 warning, the article “fit the pattern.” So Facebook tapped third-party fact checkers, instead of deciding what was true or false itself, because Zuckerberg said he doesn’t want Facebook to be the “ministry of truth.”
After the podcast interview, the FBI released a statement saying that the agency routinely notifies the private sector, including social media companies, of information related to potential security threats. Yet these revelations are more than a mea culpa, but a confession of more heinous transgressions.
Now Wait A Minute…
Fox Business’ Susan Li followed up by asking about the content moderation and Facebook’s decision of throttling the Hunter Biden story:
Zuckerberg confessed to throttling all Hunter Biden stories because he was told the story was “Russian Disinformation”. However, that has been proven to be a lie.
Was Zuckerberg hoodwinked by a national security apparatus employing their chicanery “six ways from Sunday” to get at a then-sitting US President? Or, was he a willing participant?
When Rogan asked if the FBI had told Facebook to be on guard specifically for our story about Hunter Biden’s laptop, Zuckerberg claimed, rather unconvincingly that he did “not remember . . . specifically” but “it basically fit the pattern.”
In response to questions from The Post, last week Facebook refused to give the date of the FBI private briefing or details of the “pattern” the FBI told them to look out for.
Since our story had nothing to do with Russian disinformation, what made Facebook think it was the “dump” the FBI warned them about? We asked Facebook: “Was there mention made in the FBI briefing of Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Ukraine or a laptop?”
Facebook’s answer was curious. “The FBI shared general warnings about foreign interference — nothing specific about Hunter Biden.”
Note the omissions.
…And The Band Played On.
This is unbelievable. Where are the calls for Congressional hearings? Why is there not a louder chorus of Congressional leaders calling for heads rolling at the DOJ?
Thus, should anyone be surprised of the events of August 8, 2022? Or that the Washington Media establishment cheered?