Major Democrat Defection in GA Governor’s Race

Democrats are doomed in the midterms. Unless there is massive cheating (again), they stand little chance of retaining the Senate and will certainly lose the House.

While Democrats pretend that Americans love their policies, one understands the real truth when you understand Leftism: the lie is their truth.

Americans detest Leftism in all its forms. In fact, policies that have sent inflation soaring are the reason many Americans are rethinking their votes. In other words, all Republicans need to do is let Democrats be Democrats. Just stay out of their way.

Tulsi Gabbard read the tea leaves. She not only defected from Democrats, but in typical “new religion” fashion, Gabbard now evangelizes conservatism. Gabbard recently endorsed several Republican candidates. And she is not the only former Democrat awakening from the malaise of Leftism.

Meet Kwanza Hall. Not exactly the name of a man who one would think would support a Republican.

Hall is the former Atlanta city councilmember who filled the remainder of the term of now deceased John Lewis. And in what surprised most political pundits, Hall endorsed Republican incumbent Governor Brian Kemp on Friday. Further, he endorsed Republican Burt Jones in the lieutenant governor race.

One endorsement, and perhaps one might think that Hall pulled a “Biden”: a brain burp. However, the endorsement of two Republicans, and I smell a defection.


Kwanza Hall was the top vote-getter in the first round of the Democrat primary for lieutenant governor. In that run-off that followed, current Democrat gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams endorsed Hall’s challenger, Charlie Bailey, who is now running on the Democrat ticket as the lieutenant governor candidate.

So while these endorsements could represent political payback, Hall’s endorsement likely means much more. Because in the world of Leftism there isn’t much wiggle-room for defections. Democrats don’t allow dissention at any level, and particularly at the level of a state-wide office.

Thus, Hall’s endorsement of not one but two Republicans for the highest state-wide offices resonates within the Democratic Party for sure. It is a signal that the black vote is up for grabs.

Look at the numbers.

In the Democrat primary for lieutenant governor that occurred in May, nine candidates competed. Hall received roughly 30 percent of the vote. In that same race, Bailey received 18 percent of the vote.

In the run-off, Abrams endorsed Bailey catapulting him past Hall for an easy victory.

Hall commented on his endorsement of Jones over his fellow Democrat:

Hall said he sided with Jones over Democrat Charlie Bailey because of his “proven track record of delivering results.” He praised Kemp for ensuring that his “door has always been open to those who have Georgia’s best interests at heart, regardless of politics.”

In a statement, Hall touted Jones’ plan to “invest in our communities, lower costs, improve our k-12 education system and reduce crime.” Jones, a state legislator with a conservative voting record, has tried to broaden his appeal after winning the GOP nod with Donald Trump’s blessing.

Jones said he will work with Hall “and others in a bipartisan way to create more opportunities for hardworking Georgians and continue to make our state the best place to live, work and raise a family.”

Note again that Jones is a Trump-endorsed candidate, which makes Hall’s endorsement even more potent to Democrats.

As for Hall’s endorsement of Kemp, he said the following:

“While we don’t agree on every issue, it’s abundantly clear that Brian Kemp is a man of character, a strong leader, and someone who Georgians can trust to put them and their interests first,” the Democrat said.

The governor said he planned to work with Hall and others in a second term “to put political differences aside and keep our state the best place to live, work and raise a family for the next four years.”

Democrats understand the ramifications of Hall’s endorsements.

What if this happens elsewhere? Perhaps not in this election cycle, but in cycles that follow. Will they punish Hall for his insolence, and show their true colors in the treatment of blacks and defectors? Or will they have to take this slap in the face and do nothing?

On the Republican side, know that Kemp cut a deal with Hall. Sadly, Kemp is not a MAGA Republican, but more McCainesque in his approach to politics. For now, we must accept the lessor of two evils.



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