Dem Gov Doubles Down on Controversial Republican Policy

As a Texan, I fully understand that border security is one of those issues we can’t afford to be soft on. Illegal immigration is too costly and too dangerous to ignore.

That being said, I was one of many who found Governor Abbott’s methods to be both spot-on and brilliant when he started bussing illegals to leftist-run cities around the nation. Why should Texas deal with the the fall-out of illegal immigration all by our lonesome selves?

Of course, Arizona also faces challenges with illegals, and their Republican Governor Doug Ducey joined Greg Abbott back in May, busing thousands from Arizona to Washington, DC. I’m sure it is one of the policies Democrat voters assumed would be quickly extinguished. Strangely enough, Democrat Governor Katie Hobbs decided not to reinvent the wheel!

As Fox News explains:

Democratic Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs told reporters last week she would continue the program under her Republican predecessor Doug Ducey to bus migrants out of the state — but in a more humane and efficient way.

On Tuesday, Hobbs defended her decision to keep the program in place, telling The Arizona Sun that her administration would focus on ensuring that the state’s continued payment of migrants’ travel costs is “efficient and humane.”

“We just wanted to make sure that we were addressing this issue and, as I talked about many times in the campaign, in a way that was the best use of taxpayer resources and something that wasn’t a political stunt,” Hobbs told the newspaper.

Is Hobbs hoping to avoid being a one-term wonder? It certainly seems that way if you judge by her continuance of busing migrants. Of course, Hobbs will try to put a new shade of lipstick on the pig, so to speak, by claiming to do it better and cheaper than her Republican counterparts, including Governor Abbott and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

The article continues:

“We’re interested in focusing on the humanitarian aspects of this and just putting people on a bus as a political stunt and sending them to Martha’s Vineyard or wherever they went is not providing any help or any solution to the actual issue,” Hobbs said.

Washington, D.C.’s Democratic Mayor Muriel Bowser declared a public emergency related to the bussing of migrants to the nation’s capital last year. New York Mayor Eric Adams, also a Democrat, recently visited the border at El Paso, Texas, and has declared that there is no more room for illegal migrants in his city. Adams called on the federal government to solve the crisis.

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But the federal government is incapable of solving the problem for one reason: Joe Biden.

Since becoming President, Biden has allowed the border crisis to hit record-setting highs, such as the highest numbers of illegal crossings, highest numbers of women and children being trafficked, highest numbers of criminals coming over, and last, but certainly not least, the highest numbers of dangerous drugs like fentanyl that we’ve seen to date.

Those are some real records to be proud of! Sort of like all those scholarships and college degrees the president “earned” while fighting for civil rights and the betterment of our nation.

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