The witnesses against the Bidens just keep getting better.
Business partners, business associates, and even their own family member. Yes, the best witness against the Bidens is a Biden.
Still, the 14-minute recording by Dr. Gal Luft ranks high when it comes to credibility.
Luft stated that he was arrested in Cyprus to stop him from testifying to the House Oversight Committee. He would have testified to the obvious. The Biden family received payments from individuals with ties to Chinese military intelligence.
And while Democrats pursue former President Trump on bogus classified document nonsense, Luft explained that the Bidens had an FBI mole who shared classified information with their partners from the China-controlled energy company CEFC.
Luft is no slouch when it comes to knowing the dirt on the Bidens. Ah let’s not quibble: Luft knows for a fact that the Bidens are bought and paid for. To that end, Luft attempted to save America from the very peril in which we find ourselves today by outing the Bidens.
As Luft explained in his video, he asked for a secret meeting in March of 2019 with the FBI. They held the meeting in Brussels. According to Luft, the DOJ sent six officials including two FBI agents.
Shortly thereafter, the DOJ turned on Luft. So he was forced to go into hiding.
“I, who volunteered to inform the US government about a potential security breach and about compromising information about a man vying to be the next president, am now being hunted by the very same people who I informed — and may have to live on the run for the rest of my life on the run …”
“I’m not a Republican. I’m not a Democrat. I have no political motive or agenda … I did it out of deep concern that if the Bidens were to come to power, the country would be facing the same traumatic Russia collusion scandal — only this time with China. Sadly, because of the DOJ’s cover-up, this is exactly what happened …”
Luft lives in Israel. But the FBI arrested him when he made a short visit to Cypress. The arrest came at a time when Luft might have been asked to testify before the Republican-controlled House Oversight Committee.
Understand how things work with the Left. At the critical time when the Republicans were investigating the Bidens with yet another credible witness, that witness gets snatched up. Coincidence?
Leftists pulled out the Democrat playbook.
They charged Luft with conspiring to sell Chinese weapons to Kenya, Libya and the UAE. Yet, as Luft said he hasn’t sold as much as a bullet, much less arms.
Next, they accused Luft of the very crime Hunter Biden violated: Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).
Finally, they accused Luft of making a false statement in the very meeting he called.
He says he was forced to skip bail in Cyprus in April while awaiting extradition “because I did not believe I will receive a fair trial in a New York court.” Let that soak in for a moment. He’d prefer a FOREIGN prison over a trial in the United States. Does that not scream corruption under our very noses?