Joe Biden is getting his clock cleaned not that all the gears will ever work right again. But still, in an homage to Donald Trump and a sign of a dead campaign, Joe Biden is making desperation moves.
Before I get to the latest Biden pivot to Trump, I should remind you that Team Biden hinted recently that he should return to Trump’s immigration policy or suffer the consequences.
CNN’s Fareed Zakaria says that President Joe Biden needs to implement former President Donald Trump’s asylum policies to deal with the illegal immigration crisis.
He says that Trump’s policies are “correct” and “the right policy because the old asylum system is being gamed by… pic.twitter.com/b8VsPqf8T5
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) May 10, 2024
Zakaria nails Biden on the reality of illegal immigration. And he warned Democrats that Biden must pivot back to Trump’s border policies.
Trump’s policies are “correct”, according to Zakaria. Further, he understands how illegals are gaming the current system: “the old asylum system is being gamed by millions of people.”
ZAKARIA: “The whole system is broken,” he said. “And Biden needs to confront that and say, you know, ‘We are going to have to reform the whole system.’ I would wish he’d do something much more extreme, like, say ‘the old asylum system is dead. No one is coming in through that process. You have to apply from your home country’.
MARGARET HOOVER: “Which was, which was a Trump policy.”
ZAKARIA: “Which was a Trump– and also the Mexico, let– you know, you have to be in Mexico to apply. I think that’s all correct.”
HOOVER: “So strategically, you think [cross] if Biden would tack towards Trump policies he would have a better political chance?”
ZAKARIA: “Yeah. And by the way, it’s the right policy because the old asylum system is being gamed by millions of people.”
But it’s not just immigration that Trump got right. Check out this tweet from America’s Idiot in Chief on Trump’s tariffs on China, then and now:
Well, this is awkward. https://t.co/eYYI1POQvv pic.twitter.com/vihD37r8HY
— Bad Hombre (@joma_gc) May 14, 2024
Yet again, Biden decides to become Trumpesque in his new approach to a problem Trump was solving.
Biden called for a quadrupling of tariffs on electric vehicles from China, along with higher duties on metals and other clean energy products — expanding on tariffs first instituted by Trump in 2018.
China Joe want to appear tough on his and Hunter’s former business partners. Just in time for the 2024 Presidential Election.
But Biden isn’t finished copying Trump’s moves.
Trump recognizes how China has used other countries to thwart US trade laws. Thus, he wants to go much further. Trump proposes tariffs on electric vehicles coming from the U.S.’s largest trading partner — Mexico.
Yahoo News reports:
Fearing a coming flood of cheap Chinese cars produced south of the border, the former president and his advisers are planning to impose steep auto tariffs on Mexico if it does not agree to halt the shipment of Chinese-made EVs into the U.S., according to federal lawmakers and three former Trump administration officials with knowledge of his plans.
At his massive rally in New Jersey, Trump announced,
“I will put a 200 percent tax on every car that comes in from those plants”
The article continues,
Trump’s comments are more than just campaign bluster. Those close to Trump say he and informal policy advisers like his ex-trade chief Robert Lighthizer are actively planning to impose tariffs on cars from Mexico, if that country’s government — which will be in new hands after a June 2024 election — does not agree to stem the tide of cheap Chinese cars. Those tariffs could hit just Chinese-made vehicles from Mexico — coming from companies like BYD, which plans to build plants in the country — or be applied more broadly on all imports from south of the border, said the figures close to the former president, granted anonymity to discuss policy plans.
“I’ve talked to the former president himself about this,” said Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.), one of Trump’s most steadfast allies in the Senate, who has proposed legislation for tariffs over 100 percent auto imports from Mexico. “I think his views are well known, and Bob Lighthizer — I think he’s a real leader on this, and he and I talk frequently.”
What Americans like about Trump is that he says what he means and means what he says.
And Team Biden is taking notes.
Some Democrats are already pushing Biden to take a similar stand on auto imports from Mexico. They are concerned — like the Trump advisers — that Chinese companies will ship cars through Mexico to avoid the tariffs on EVs from China first imposed by Trump, which Biden will quadruple today.
Trump understands the global economy. And he understands competition. He doesn’t fault China for wanting a better deal. Trump believes America can negotiate the best deals, and then make sure our “competition” lives up to the agreements.
Because that’s what an incorruptible leader does.