Scariest video ever for Democrats

It is not hyperbole for me to call this the scariest video that Democrats can see. Or allow to be seen.

Recently Cara Castronuova of National Reports interviewed people in the New York City borough known as the Bronx. The interviews were based on the idea that Trump was considering a rally in the area. The results were shocking to here, as the video suggests:

The number of blacks interviewed who were Trump supporters shocked the reporters. And I’m sure that viewers were equally shocked. After all, Trump is universally hated, isn’t he?

That’s the media narrative anyway. Based on what we have been spoon-fed by the media, I would have thought this reporter was taking her life in her hands by posing such a question. However, the results proved otherwise.

The number of blacks who supported Trump surprised even me. One after the other offered glowing support of the former president. And these were the buttoned-up types. These people were the rank and file folks we are just getting by.

Some appeared to almost beg for Trump to return. And who could blame them.

Joe Biden has been a one-man wrecking crew of devastation for people all over America. And the Bronx provides a great glimpse.

The population increased 26 percent in the Bronx from 1980 to 2017. But the population growth to over 1.5 million people in the Bronx didn’t come from an influx of white yuppies. Unlike Sister Borough Manhattan which boasts a population of roughly 47 percent white folks, the Bronx is composed of only 9 percent whites.

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The Implications

Clearly, if Trump gets this type of ground-level in one of the least affluent areas and among non-whites, what does this mean? One can only imagine the support Trump must he be getting elsewhere, including other blue states?

Hint to what comes next: don’t believe the polls.

Oh sure, pollsters want you to believe that Trump leads Biden almost everywhere. That’s the good news bone they throw us. However, Biden supposedly remains within striking distance. Bullsh*t.

Trump is crushing Biden…everywhere. That’s what that video shows. In the places where you don’t think Trump has support, he has support.

Worse for Democrats, it doesn’t matter what Democrat you insert in a poll; Trump crushes them all.

This ad hoc man-on-the-street poll of the Bronx explains so many things. The inability of the Left to get Trump has made him untouchable. Democrats actually managed to make Trump the victim. Ordinary people now view Trump through the prism of “self”, in that Trump resonates with them.

I mentioned this a while back, as I explain that the Left’s incessant attacks on Trump actually hurt Democrats with the black vote. I wrote:

Their targeting of Trump provided a wake-up call to blacks. No longer were black people the only victims of profiling and discrimination. Blacks discovered that former ex-president billionaire Republicans suffer the same fate of the oppressed Negro. Yes, Democrats actually exposed the game. They target and oppress anybody who won’t further the narrative set by the Party of Oppression.

The video by Newsmax has gone viral. But it will have much farther reach, particularly now that Trump himself is promoting it.

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A Trump rally in the Bronx

What would a rally in the Bronx look like? It would be BIG. HUGE. And well…yes, MEXICO IS GOING TO PAY FOR IT.

What a statement Trump would make to fill a venue with tens of thousands of adoring citizens of the Bronx? And what would they yell, when Trump declares that he will close the Southern border? Or when Trump vows to use taxpayer money only for citizens of the U.S.? Then when Trump declares again that he will end Biden’s war with Russia on Day One?

I can hear the raucous crowd cheer as Trump promises a return to his policies that gets inflation in check. People will be able to afford their homes again. Raises at work will matter, and not be eaten away by Bidenflation and other insane fiscal policies of the Biden administration.

The media would not be able to ignore this. And if Republicans are smart, they wouldn’t let them.

In no time in history has the Republican Party had the opportunity to transcend urban Leftist politics and make an impact.

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