The Debate Carnage is Worse for Democrats than Originally Thought

The numbers keep coming in and they are devastating to Democrats. Joe Biden lost ground with every group and has no chance of recovery.

See the numbers for yourself.

Consider any of those numbers and you can clearly see the problems for Democrats.

A 40 point gap between who won the debate. Next, a 53 point gap with Independents on who won. Perhaps worse, Democrats only give Biden a 23 point gap, and fully 61 percent of Democrats don’t think Biden won.

No surprise that whites prefer Trump by a remarkable margin, but look at the numbers for Blacks; 14 percent favored Trump over Biden in the debate.

While the numbers are shocking in terms of how large the gap is between Trump and Biden at every level, the bigger shock may be that Democrats actually believed the numbers would be close.

I’m relish in the notion that Democrats put so much stock in Biden after watching the old clown for 4 years. Take away Biden living on Trump’s legacy his first year as “resident” and he would have no legacy whatsoever. The real measure for Biden is the last 3 years. Those numbers show nothing but devastation to Americans, and that is Biden’s true legacy.

The Polling Spin

If you didn’t believe me that the polls are bullsh*t, I give you the post-debate poll Team Biden obviously sponsored:

Do you think anybody in their right mind believes this poll?

This didn’t stop Team Biden from trying to sell this propaganda to its donor base. Rolling Stone reported:

In emails to journalists and supporters this weekend, the Biden campaign declared that “for all the hand-wringing coming out of Thursday, here’s the truth: this election was incredibly close before Thursday, and by every metric we’ve seen since, it remains just as close.” Both campaign emails pointed to new surveys from CNN538SurveyUSAMorning Consult, and Data for Progress, arguing they “show what we expected: The debate did not change the horse race.”

The Contradictions

I’ve shouted from the mountain tops that Trump leads Biden by a minimum of 10 points in any reasonable poll. Yet propagandist try to convince us that this is a close race.

A new SurveyUSA poll conducted a day after the first 2024 Trump vs. Biden debate found that former President Trump holds a 2% lead over President Biden amongst likely voters.

The pollster surveyed 3,300 residents of New Orleans on Friday morning, with 2,800 likely voters being asked questions about their likely voting habits. About 900 of those likely voters were Democrats who were asked about Biden’s debate performance.

About 45% of likely voters say they will vote for Trump, compared to 43% for Biden.

Americans are asked to believe that a man who is the worst president statistically in modern history is in a statistical tie with Trump. These numbers are the same post-debate as they were pre-debate.

Yet, Biden conceded that he had a tough debate performance during a Friday campaign speech.

“I don’t debate as well as I used to,” Biden said.

Biden performed so badly as president and during the debate, both Politico and the New York Times published that there are reports of top-level Democratic donors arguing for the emergency option of finding a new candidate.

So surely you can see why I don’t believe the polls. Well those reports and the multitude of videos showing former Democrats publicly switching their party affiliation.

Surveys, polls, and reality prove daily that Democrats are not only abandoning Biden, but coming over to Trump, yet the propaganda continues. And it continues as even fake news Leftist media declares openly that Democrats are panicking, ergo abandoning Biden.

Republicans need to act.

Never have Republicans had the opportunity to destroy Democrats than now. If they don’t act, it confirms that Republicans have joined the Democrats.

Republicans can press Biden on his crooked family business. They should also continue to press on illegal immigration, Bidenflation, wars, and crime.

What an amazing time to be a conservative and/or Republican. Republicans can show how insane Democrats have been in support of Leftism.

Frankly, I don’t expect Republicans to act. And that’s why I stopped following and funding them. Warriors like myself are far more capable of spreading conservatism than Republicans. So if they don’t act, support the people who will. Not taking advantage of the debate carnage would be criminal.


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