Alpha Males Save Women from Joe Biden

Hard to believe that Joe Biden could be so clever in his attack on women, given his demented mind. But when one considers how clever this attack has been, maybe Biden can use it in his defense against cries of senility.

Biden destroys the Women’s Movement, yet he’s actually convinced women that he’s their ally. And you don’t have to look far to see the damage.

Take immigration for example. Joe Biden has convinced Leftist women that illegal immigration is in their best interest. These women join Biden to fight not to separate families who have invaded America. Moreover, white Leftist women join Democrats and other Leftists to advocate for the “browning” of America.

Thus, Leftists of all ethnic backgrounds believe that America is too white, despite facts to the contrary.

Forget that Spaniards and Arabs are considered white on federal forms, because for this discussion that doesn’t matter, according to the Left. Based on birth rates and illegal immigration, America is more “brown” than white by a long shot. When illegals aren’t having babies in America, they are bringing them into the country.

If you look at the average big city in America, it’s likely more black (or brown) than white. Further, when you combine black and brown, whites are the minority in almost every city. And with that browning comes peril.

Though Leftists pretend otherwise, some American cities are the most dangerous places on earth for the very “browning” that has occurred.

Still, for Leftist America’s cities aren’t dangerous enough. So they eagerly invite the world’s worst to join America’s worst.

Ironically, in a time of exploding crime, Biden claims to have reduce it. The fact remains that Biden has added immensely to the crime problem through his lax immigration policy that invites illegals into America. And these illegals are not the “tired, poor huddle masses”, but instead fighting age men who have no respect for American culture or women.

In the Biden-encouraged and sponsored invasion of America, crime has risen sharply. Hardly a day goes by without illegals committing heinous evil acts on American citizens.

As BelannF tweeted this video:

The video made by those supporting Trump is shocking, to say the least.

While the media occasionally documents these vile acts, they don’t place any blame. The media seem to have no intellectual curiosity on these crimes, e.g. the frequency of the crimes, or the brutal nature of the crimes. Nor does the media question Biden on his bogus crime stats that omit many of the most crime-ridden cities. A fact Team Biden conveniently omits.

But even the casual observer can see the results of Biden’s immigration handiwork. But these aren’t first-time offenders in America.

A person tweeted this:

Driver of semi in deadly Denver crash was deported 16 times.

Man who raped a 13-year-old girl in NY was deported twice.

Man who raped & murdered Rachel Morin was deported twice.

Men who raped & murdered Laken Riley was deported twice.

You can bet that if illegals voted for Trump Leftists would want justice for these victims. But what could the Democrats possibly see as the end game? If they allow these gang members, drug dealer, human traffickers, rapists or worse in the country, who will want to live here.

Look at this video of migrant men from Africa discussing rape of women:

The answers these men gave to questions about rape almost seem like they are part of an SNL skit. But their answers are no joke. They feel nothing about raping women. Some even suggest that women enjoy this brutal act.

Thank God for conservative men.

It won’t be metrosexual Leftism “men” to the rescue. Because there are no real men on the Left. But, there is good news.

Conservative American men will correct these men, fast. We are unlike any men around the world. So, we won’t allow these vicious thugs to act with immunity against women. There will come a time when we will act on behalf of women and America, per our God-given role.

Sadly, far too many women will be brutalized as we start rebuilding the America of the past. At some point, the #MeToo movement and other feminist will ask for help. They won’t get it from Biden or other Leftists. However, lucky for them, America’s men will step up.


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