Tattoos remind me of leftism. There was a time when there were fewer of them, most people hid them. But like tattoos, leftism spread all over the body (politic).
And while tattoos have certainly become mainstream, I think the pendulum is starting to swing back the other way. Many people now regret their tattoos.
Remember the days when people respected their bodies enough to appreciate how God made them? Don’t stop reading, as I’m not giving a sermon.
I don’t have any tattoos, but not because I’m a prude. Well not entirely.
At one point in my life, I associated tattoos with ruffians, hooligans, and other ne’er-do-wells. Almost all the people I knew who had “tats” got them in prison. So the stigma of the inmate prevented me from even considering getting a tat.
I think many people shared my feelings on this. Even if you weren’t in prison, tats implied that you advocated for the criminal lifestyle. Also, back in the day there were jobs you couldn’t get if you had noticeable tats.
But then “dainty”, well-placed tattoos came into fashion.
I appreciated the subtlety of the tattoos people chose to display in this way. Women selected the shoulder or the ankle mostly to place their tats. And many times women chose things equally significant to them, a favorite talisman or a picture of their child.
During this epoch, many women I spoke with about their tats noted that they chose areas of their bodies where they could obscure the tattoo in case they wanted to don formal wear. This choice for some included the “tramp stamp”; a tattoo on the top of the buttocks.
Guilty! I liked those tattoos as any alpha male would.
As for me, some selected just the tattoo around the bicep, for example. One friend of mine used the names of his children to provide the “links”. “Cool,” I thought when he explained his tat. But somewhere during this era, things went horribly wrong. And people began tattooing all over their bodies.
Faces, necks, and so on. Today I see young girls with vertical tattoos on their thighs. There is no way to cover such obvious tattoos.
As you consider your tattoos, perhaps, also consider Leftism. Did it spread on you? If you succumbed in any way to Leftism, have you rethought your position(s)?
Tattoo Regrets
You can bet that people who have tats were warned by their parents. “Don’t get a tat”, or “Don’t go crazy with tats”. But kids don’t listen. And neither do Democrats.
Sure, tats are a “thing” today. But as I joke, “There is nothing more weird than an 80-year-old with a belly-button ring”. Tats don’t always age well, as many people know. Leftism ages equally pathetically.
So yes, many people now want to get rid of their tats. The New York Post reports,
Shania Addington was 18 when she got her first tattoo. A decade later, the Gen Z bride-to-be wants out of the relationship.
The 28-year-old had formerly meaningful quotes inked on both her forearm and back — a decision she now seriously regrets, saying they made her “feel like a book.”
So much so, the Arizonan has already initiated the lengthy removal process — with less than a year until her wedding.
“I want to be able to wear a dress that I’m comfortable in where I’m not having to hide my tattoos,” Addington told The Post, calling the ink “embarrassing.”
“I wish I’d thought about it back then,” she confessed, saying that the idea of taking photos for her upcoming wedding helped her make her decision.
It’s one that her mother — a tattoo fan with plenty of ink of her own — attempted to talk her out of, insisting that covering up with makeup for the big day would suffice.
Tattoo regrets are akin to Leftism regrets.
Look at academia, and the revolts occurring on campuses all over the country. Academia has bred anti-Semitism for years, as well as mediocrity. They teach DEI and the current Democrat presidential candidate is a product of DEI gone rogue.
Like a bad tattoo, no area of society is immune to the craziness of Leftism. And one doesn’t have to look far to see the results.
People all over the country want their tattoos removed. They no longer want to live with the idiocy of their youth. That maniacal significant other’s name, or that Mandarin tattoo that reads, “Grab here to get lucky”. Like Leftism, many people outgrow their tattoos and either have them reworked or they remove them entirely.