Joe Biden is still trying to wrap his mind around things post-coup. Jill is still trying to explain to him that he’s no longer running for president.
Look at this picture of the Bidens and you can see that the family isn’t taking things too well.
Speaking of Jill, she took the news harder than any Biden I’m guessing. She must go back to being an ordinary “doctor”, and no longer a First Lady, First Second Lady, or a Senator’s wife. Jill is just Jill, as you can bet the respect of the fake doctor title will disappear as fast as Kamala Harris’ real accent at a Georgia rally.
Everybody knows that Jill Biden wanted to serve her second term. It wouldn’t surprise me to learn that she has a plot to storm the Democrat convention to get what she believes is “her rightful second term”.
At the beginning of the end for Joe, Bloomberg questioned the reversal of roles for him and his wife.
As President Joe Biden continues to be almost as scarce on the campaign trail as his rival, attention is turning to the increasingly prominent role his wife is playing. First Lady Jill Biden has gone beyond the role of protector-in-chief. She’d better get used to the scrutiny and be prepared to answer some questions.
Jill Biden, 73, has long been her husband’s best defender — once even throwing herself in front of protesters as they lunged for the president on stage. With Biden’s visible physical decline and his resistance to calls that he drop out of the race following his disastrous debate performance, the first lady has become the most important person in the White House next to her husband. And America is watching.
Oh the fall from grace
Joe Biden now qualifies as a lame-duck president. And the world recognizes his dementia. Because of this, Joe Biden has lost his potency, as has his administration. Now, the Leftist world quickly moved on from Joe Biden, and now focuses on the Democrats’ 2024 version of John McCain.
Kamala Harris can’t and won’t win the next election. The last thing the New World Order needs is to add to the world’s problems. Venezuela just finished their bogus election, which closely resembled America’s 2020 Presidential Election. And while Democrat sell the fake “insurrection”, a cheat this time will evoke a real insurrection. And this one would make Venezuela look like a camp jamboree.
Because Trump will serve his rightful second term, the Biden crime family must begin prepping their bugout bags.
The president’s team wanted the June CNN debate with Trump – months earlier than typical presidential debates – to shake up a race that Biden was trailing. They succeeded, but not in the way they had intended.
Instead, Biden’s campaign unraveled over the course of the next 24 days. Everything the president and his team tried to do to calm Democrats’ fears simply failed to shed the perception that Biden’s age was too advanced, and his health too fragile, for him to stay in the race.
How will Biden fight back?
He is old and senile. And there isn’t much he can do to change those characteristics; no matter how hard he tries.
I’m not sure if Biden has any more leverage. He can play the role of supporter, but he’s already given his support to Harris. If he can bring Democrats together, he can hold on to hope that Democrats keep the Senate and/or win the House. But that will be a longshot if Democrats can’t cheat mightily.
MAGA plans to make up for the Red Wave Democrats thwarted after Dominion-whipping Republicans in the mid-terms.
The risks all lie with the Democrats. The open coup of Biden, caused problems for the party. But the bigger problem is the wild card that is Kamala Harris.
Although the Leftist machine is positioning Harris as a “breath of fresh air”, that narrative doesn’t play nearly as well as Leftists need for The Big Cheat v2.0. And things are as good as they can be for Harris, well the day after Biden quit.
Democrats face Trump at his toughest. This isn’t good for Biden.
A unified Republican Party, the assassination attempt, and the nastiest of Trump tools in the tool box: Trump’s record.
I’m looking for signs from the Bidens. For example, Joe Biden’s call to Trump after his some Leftist tried to kill him. Then Hunter Biden drops his lawsuit against Fox. I’m not sure what happens next, but maybe Old Joe sends Jill over to Mar-a-Lago to make the ultimate sacrifice?