Snoop Dogg: Trump Supporter or Sellout

Snoop Dogg, the smooth-talking rap icon turned mainstream mogul, has managed to build a career out of contradictions.

From his Martha Stewart partnership to his Corona beer ads, Snoop Dogg has transformed from gangsta rapper to lovable cultural mascot. But his latest act of flipping the script deserves a standing ovation—or perhaps a collective eye roll. Or maybe even a foot up Snoop Dogg’s ass.

Let’s talk about Snoop’s political whiplash when it comes to Donald Trump.

Back in the day, long before Trump ran for president, he was the unofficial king of hip-hop. Rappers couldn’t name-drop him fast enough. Trump was the gold standard—literally and figuratively—of wealth, success, and unshakable swagger. Snoop was no exception. He rubbed elbows with Trump, laughed at his roasts, and basked in the mogul’s glow. Trump was the most referenced mogul in rap history, a living symbol of what every hustler aspired to be. If Snoop Dogg had dropped a song titled “Trump” back then, it would’ve been hailed as a tribute, not a diss track.

Then came 2016. Trump decided to run for president, and overnight, he became public enemy number one for Hollywood elites and their sycophants.

Snoop, ever the opportunist, did a complete 180. Suddenly, the man who had once been cool enough to idolize was now villainized. Snoop went from smiling for the cameras with Trump to openly wishing him dead—yes, dead. He famously released a music video where he aimed a gun at a Trump lookalike. That wasn’t edgy or thought-provoking; it was just plain vile.

And let’s not forget the 2016 inauguration. When Trump took office, Snoop declared war on anyone who dared perform at the event. He called them every name under the sun, as if simply appearing at the ceremony was a betrayal of some unspoken code. Never mind that many of those performers were just trying to do their jobs. Snoop’s venom was relentless. Trump went from being a hip-hop legend to a pariah in Snoop’s eyes—all because he had the audacity to win an election.

Fast forward to 2024. Guess who’s back on the Trump train? That’s right, it’s Snoop Dogg. After years of trashing Trump and his supporters, Snoop is suddenly cozying up to the man he once despised. So, what changed? Did Snoop have a political epiphany? Did he finally see the light? Or did he just see an opportunity to cash in? Let’s not kid ourselves. Snoop isn’t exactly the poster child for consistency. This is the same guy who’s pitched everything from T-Mobile to sketchy cannabis products. Can anyone really believe that Snoop uses half the stuff he endorses? Of course not. And now, he’s applying that same brand of opportunism to politics.

But in 2024, it looks like Snoop Dogg either now supports Trump. Or the n*gga got paid.

That’s the only explanation that makes sense. But then again it doesn’t. Because Trump doesn’t need to pull a Kamala Harris and pay influencers to boost his image. The man’s track record speaks for itself. Maybe a Trump benefactor wanted to show that Snoop Dogg is for sale.

The truth is, Snoop’s credibility has always been as flimsy as his political loyalties. He’s a chameleon, blending into whatever environment benefits him the most. In the 90s, he was the gangsta rapper who gave the establishment nightmares. In the 2000s, he was the lovable pothead who could charm suburban moms. And now, he’s the corporate mascot who’ll sell you beer, cell phones, and anything else he can slap his face on. Snoop’s brand is built on adaptability, not authenticity.

But this latest flip-flop isn’t just laughable; it’s insulting. Snoop didn’t just disagree with Trump; he actively tried to ruin the man’s reputation. He smeared Trump’s supporters, vilified performers, and pandered to the worst elements of cancel culture. And now, he expects us to believe it’s all water under the bridge? No harm, no foul? Sorry, Snoop, but it doesn’t work that way. You don’t get to play both sides of the fence and then act like nothing happened.

Snoop’s sudden about-face on Trump is a perfect example of why so many Americans have lost faith in celebrities.

They’re not thought leaders; they’re opportunists. They’ll say whatever they think will earn them applause or, better yet, a paycheck. Snoop’s love-hate-love relationship with Trump isn’t about politics or principles. It’s about profit. And while that might be good for Snoop’s bottom line, it’s a terrible look for someone who claims to keep it real.

So, the next time Snoop Dogg pops up on your screen, pitching yet another product or praising yet another politician, take it with a grain of salt. The man isn’t a role model; he’s a marketing machine. And his flip-flop on Trump is just the latest example of how far he’ll go to stay relevant. In the world of Snoop Dogg, loyalty takes a backseat to opportunism. And that’s not gangsta—it’s just pathetic.


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