In Part II, we return to the heart of leftism’s chaos: its policies. From open borders to misguided climate fixes, these policies showcase the Left’s appetite for power at any cost.
Leftists claim moral high ground but leave destruction in their wake. Let’s start with one of their most glaring failures—border policy.
The border policies of leftists and their illegal sanctuary cities are getting people killed. Yet when questioned about the death of Laken Riley recently, a Biden administrative official, Adam Isacson, dismissed the death of that young lady and claimed that crimes by illegals are not worthy of consideration.
“The murder of a nursing student in Georgia has people on the right talking about migrant crime like it’s an actual issue.”
Listen to this Democrat witness say crime by illegals isn’t “an actual issue” and the Senate should drop the Laken Riley Act immediately.
Laken Riley & Travis Wolfe from MO are dead because of illegal migrant crime. If that’s not an “actual issue,” I don’t know what is pic.twitter.com/VFH4T8l5LI
— Josh Hawley (@HawleyMO) January 16, 2025
The Biden administration has illegally allowed millions of illegals into the country using various loopholes, all for votes. Not only do they defy actual law, but they enact new laws to protect these people, including the most dangerous among them.
145 Democrats even voted not to deport criminal rapists back to their countries of origin. Say what you want about the law-abiding illegals, and perhaps you get my ear. But when you allow violent criminals to remain, I must question your motives.
But their idiocy doesn’t end there.
The California wildfires remind me of Michelle Obama’s comment during a Tomb of the Unknown Soldier ceremony, where she mouthed to Barack Obama, “All this for a damn flag.”
Michelle Obama
“All this for a flag?”No Obama should ever get near our White House.
— Sheri™ (@FFT1776) February 10, 2024
For Newsom, the comment would be, “All this for a fcking fish?”
As PJ Media noted:
He’ll save the inedible bait fish, the weed that no one’s ever heard of, elevate meritless executives, and kill the gas car. Those are the highest environmental aspirations of Gavin Newsom, the alleged visionary governor of California, whose distorted priorities have combined to create the conditions for LA Inferno 2025. As the smoke begins to clear, the cruel environy is dawning.
Even now, the homeless LA glitterati, who soon may be allowed to sift through the ashes of their homes in hopes of finding the gold coins that looters haven’t dug up yet, wonder how they could have been so gullible. They bought Newsom’s climate change diktats hook, line, and gas can, and now their electric car doesn’t work. Their beloved Tesla and their neighbor’s Nissan Leaf are charred carbon hulks considered by the environment police to be portable toxic waste dumps. “I’m sorry, sir, and you can’t move it until we’ve studied the environmental externalities of your charred car. Grab a number.”
Leftists pushed for EVs, knowing the pitfalls. And the California wildfires served up a big dish of crow.
I have no idea how many cars burned and how many of them were electric. Nor do I know the ratio of EVs versus gasoline vehicles that escaped the carnage. But I know where I would put my money on a bet.
Next, EVs bring up many other problems like the mining of minerals for their batteries. And what about the irony that their batteries are currently charged most with energy provided by coal or oil? Most studies have shown that there is no net-zero outcome for EVs, but they do help the Left virtue signal.
Oh the irony that an illegal started the California fires. The state’s do-nothing governor, and LA’s Marxist mayor presided over one of the worst preventable fires in history. Worse, 3 lesbians and one affirmative action water district person all had this happen on their watch.
Think America needs to return to normal? Stay tuned for Part III.