CA to Pay Meth Addicts

California’s legislators, aka “Californicators” believe they can buy their way out of anything. And I understand why.

Because to remain in California, one must buy into insanity. They don’t prosecute people who knowingly give another person HIV. You can shoplift up to $950 and not see the inside of a jail cell. Also, you can openly smoke dope, and some cities even have places where heroin users can shoot up without repercussion.

That’s the Leftist idea of Utopia. And it’s only getting better.

According to Yahoo,

California lawmakers are closer to sending Gov. Gavin Newsom legislation that would offer money for people addicted to methamphetamines to stay in treatment.

Senate Bill 110 would make contingency management, a therapy centered around positive reinforcement, a legal form of treatment in California that would be paid for by Medi-Cal, the state’s Medicaid program.

In the case of people suffering from meth addictions, they would be given incentives to attend treatment or pass drug tests.

Sen. Scott Weiner, D-San Francisco, said President Joe Biden’s administration is seeking evidence-based solutions to the nation’s drug crisis.

“Contingency management has proven to be the most effective method of treatment for methamphetamine addiction, and is frequently used as a treatment program by the Veterans Affairs Administration,” Weiner’s office said in a news release. “This intervention program gives those struggling with substance use disorder financial rewards if they enter substance use treatment programs, stay in the program, and get and remain sober. This positive reinforcement helps people reduce and even fully stop substance use.”

Keep in mind that California paid miscreants to stop misbehaving.

The city of Richmond, California piloted a program starting in 2010, known as Operation Peacemaker, with the stated goal of bringing down gun violence. A fellowship program taps at-risk youth to participate.Young people considered at risk to commit crimes are tapped to participate in a fellowship program. Then, after six months, they can earn a stipend if they succeed.

Who knows what the cost of the program was. But let’s remember: it’s only money! OUR money.

As for the meth addict program, estimates for the legislation put the costs around $179,000 for 1,000 participating addicts. A small price to pay, if the program actually works. However, since when has a program established by Leftists worked?

The high-speed rail is still upside down by billions in CA.

This story is from 2019, and the $33 billion project was at $20 billion at that time. New estimates put the project at >$100 billion.

California governor Gavin Newsom announced that California’s ill-fated high-speed rail project would be scaled back enormously due to cost overruns and delays. The original project, which had an initial cost estimate of $33 billion, would have provided high-speed train service (speeds on some segments in excess of 200 miles per hour) beginning in San Diego, traveling through Los Angeles and the Central Valley up to the state capital of Sacramento, and would have also included the San Francisco Bay Area and Silicon Valley. With possible federal contributions, this idea sounded promising enough that nearly 53 percent of California taxpayers voted for a $9 billion bond in 2008 to help finance it.

In 2010, the federal government agreed to provide over $3 billion in funding from Obama’s stimulus plan, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Good news, right?

But a funny thing happened on the way to the station.

The cost for the full project ballooned to nearly $100 billion. Cost overruns and planning and implementation mistakes were so large and frequent that they became comical.

None of this was resolved by former governor Jerry Brown or state legislators, despite the fact that everyone knew the project was becoming grossly bogged down with delays, cost increases, and malfeasance. The performance of the California High-Speed Rail Authority (CHSRA) has been so remarkably bad that the state auditor concluded the following in one of its reports:

“The (California High-Speed Rail) Authority’s flawed decision making regarding the start of high-speed rail system construction in the Central Valley and its ongoing poor contract management for a wide range of high-value contracts have contributed to billions of dollars in cost overruns for completing the system.”

Why would anybody put more money in the hands of these legislative lunatics?

What amount of money do they currently spend on meth addicts? Insurance, free drugs from hospitals, homeless services, hospitalization, and eventually death. Think anybody really knows the costs?


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