Gov Abbott Makes BOLD Border Crisis Move

From the border to Biden's door.

Last week, Gov. Greg Abbott announced his latest idea for battling illegal immigration in the state of Texas. It was a definite hands-on approach.

The plan is so simple, it’s brilliant. Abbott loaded busses full of migrants and dropped them off. On Biden’s doorstep.

Today, the first of those busses showed up in Washington, D.C.

As Fox News reported:

The bus pulled up at approximately 8 a.m. local time, blocks away from the U.S. Capitol building. Fox News has learned that they came from the Del Rio sector in Texas, after coming to the U.S. from Colombia, Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela.

Upon the bus’s arrival in Washington, D.C., individuals disembarked one by one except for family units who exited together. They checked in with officials and had wristbands they were wearing cut off before being told they could go.

According to TDEM, Abbott’s plan is already working. The agency told Fox News on Monday that many of the communities that originally reached out for support – from the Rio Grande Valley to Terrell County – say the federal government stopped dropping immigrants in their towns since Abbott’s announcement on April 6.

Some had questioned whether Abbott’s plan to bus migrants was genuine. The White House dismissed it as a “publicity stunt.” Even Texas state Rep. Matt Schaefer, a Republican, called it a “gimmick.”

TDEM said it dispatched buses over the weekend to border communities where it coordinated with officials to identify these immigrants. The agency added that each bus has the capacity and supplies necessary to carry up to 40 migrants released in Texas communities and transport them to Washington, D.C.

Still, the governor’s legal authority to transport busloads of migrants to the U.S. Capitol remains in question. The 2012 Supreme Court case, Arizona v. the United States, prevents states from making their own immigration policies.

I have a feeling Abbott knew that question might arise. Thus, every single migrant he transported was a willing volunteer. And for one simple reason. They WANT to be Biden’s problem.

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The Red Carpet

Think about it. Democrats promise to roll out the red carpet for illegals. Food stamps, Medicaid, housing, the benefits are quite plentiful. And they’re not limited to tangible goods.

In 2017, I wrote an article about Nebraska Democrats welcoming refugees. They put together welcome baskets, and in them were VOTER REGISTRATION cards. Not only did they disregard the fact that you need to be a citizen to vote, but they later blatantly bragged about encouraging these illegal votes to transpire. That’s not the American way.

That is only one example of how leftists misuse our government and use illegals to their advantage. Meanwhile, states like Texas shoulder the astronomical costs of illegal immigration. Biden says he wants to “build back better,” but so far, all he’s done is destroy the better we had.

As such, Governor Abbott was left to come up with a plan of action. And he’s got 900 busses ready to carry it out.

Fox adds:

“Texans demand and deserve an aggressive, comprehensive strategy to secure our border—not President Biden’s lackluster leadership,” Abbott said in a statement. “As the federal government continues to roll back commonsense policies that once kept our communities safe, our local law enforcement has stepped up to protect Texans from dangerous criminals, deadly drugs, and illegal contraband flooding into the Lone Star State.”

Texas spends almost a billion dollars a year on illegal immigration! And it only gets worse each month. So, it’s about time someone literally put these problems in Washington, DC. Politicians need to face the truth with their own eyes. Now, let’s see what Biden does next. Because I highly doubt Jill plans to cook a big dinner and put everyone in the guest house!

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