BREAKING: Biden Tweets about Kamala Harris

The powers that be sat down with Joe Biden to explain things. They informed Biden that his time has expired.

Any sane person would ask, “What took so long!”

I saw this coming months ago. Actually I predicted this once the coup against Trump was confirmed. Recently, I stated that Democrats will jettison Biden by the end of Feb. Callers to my show didn’t believe me, likely thinking that’s too soon. But I’m betting they feel differently now.

Remember this undercover expose of Biden?

James O’Keefe provided undercover video of the obvious. But it’s always fun to get our “conspiracy theories” validated by the Leftists themselves.

Like Weinstein, Epstein, and many others, Democrats knew the deal about Biden.

In my assessment of Biden, I had no idea that the Special Counsel looking into Biden’s crime with the classified documents was going to pull the stunt he did the other day. By stunt, I mean he revealed the truth about Biden. Special Counsel Hur exposed Biden as old and senile; thus worthless to prosecute and unfit to lead the nation.

I can hardly wait for the next polls. Just when Democrats didn’t think the polls could go lower

Strut around town in these legendary sneakers, showcasing the memorable nicknames 45 bestowed upon his political rivals. Slip into these bad boys, and suddenly you’ll feel like the golden-maned gladiator who roundhouse-kicked the deep state into oblivion! Let the MAGA power flow from your toes to your tongue, ready to tell Leftists, “Not today, Satan!” Warning: wearing these may lead to spontaneous nickname creation for all the Leftists in your life. Grab a pair TODAY and join the nickname revolution!

The logical next step is to prepare America and the world for President Harris. And that’s what Biden did:

Where does this tweet come from, given the sh*tstorm Biden faces? A peculiar statement to say the least. But telling for sure.

Democrats have needed to dump Biden for months. But they had to do it in a way that made him sympathetic to the public. And Special Counsel Hur helped set the stage.

Biden committed multiple crimes in which American citizens have gone to prison for lesser offenses. Yet, he got off with the “Dumb and Decrepit” defense. And while there is pushback, Republicans, conservatives, and others relish for now in the fact that Biden has been declared incompetent.

Democrats relish in the idea that Republicans, conservatives and others will forgive Biden because he’s been declared old and stupid. They plan to milk this defense for much more later in the year.

More “Dumb and Decrepit” Defense to come

Biden will resign soon, and it will because of the brouhaha over his age and senility. But the prosecution of Hunter Biden and the Biden family cartel will continue; under more sympathetic circumstances. After all, why prosecute an old feeble stupid man, no matter his crimes.

This represents the ideal way for Democrats to disassociate themselves from Biden and his crime family. And if push comes to shove, fake President #2 Kamala Harris can step in and save the day. With pardons.

Joe’s team made the tweet to provide a temporary on-ramp for Harris. But her status will be short-lived. No serious Democrat wants Harris as President.

Gavin Newsom (Nuisance) will be the Democrats’ nominee. As I predicted Biden’s departure, I have predicted Nuisances’ ascension.

Think about it. Newsom has earned his spot as King of the Morons.

He ruined San Francisco as mayor of that once great city. Then, he set his sights higher and he ruined the state of California. Why not go for the pinnacle? Newsom has it all, as he’s young and stupid.

All the signs are there. Watch the news cycle, as the media continues to prop up Harris. Newsom will become more prominent as well.


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