Reporters to Biden: Is Gavin Newsom on Standby?

Fresh off tripping up the stairs again, the new and unimproved Joe Biden was met by a gaggle of reporters as he prepared to face more stairs.

As Biden said not long ago about his abilities, “Watch me.” And America obliged. We are watching. Moreover, finally the press corps is watching.

In a recent Biden sighting, one reporter asked the geriatric, “You’re going to California. Is this about coming up with a Plan B for 2024 — does Gavin need to standby?”

Clearly at this press gaggle, Biden should have let his teleprompter sunglasses do the talking.

He wears those sunglasses often, because he’s told they make him look cool. But this time, Biden didn’t trust the message being displayed in his Google glasses, and decided to go it alone with his response.

His answer to the pesky reporter? Biden answered the question with a question:

“Are you ready?”

Mind blown! How profound was that? Are you ready? I put that response up there with “eloquent and clean”, Biden’s historic comments about Barack Obama.

But Biden wasn’t done. He eloquently as ever continued his response:

“Well I’m looking for— I’m looking at you. We’re looking at you.”

Because you can’t get enough of the 45th President, we created an entire product line dedicated to his legendary self. From artsy stuff to shirts, glassware, and more – we’ve got President Trump’s iconic mugshot plastered on everything. But wait, there’s more! Around his face, we’ve crafted a word cloud that’s basically a Trump-themed brainstorm of everything he stands for. The Trump Mugshot Tribute Collection doesn’t just speak a thousand words; it shouts out a whole Trumpian speech. These products can be your way of telling everyone around you, “I’m MAGA. Deal with it!” Click the graphic to get yours.

Since there was no Bidenspeak interpreter on hand, we must leave you to interpret this as you wish.

Continuing, the reporters waited for Biden to deliver on his question. The anticipation of what would the man described as essentially too old and stupid to prosecute for crimes gave reporters their answer. Biden channeled his inner Shakespeare and added:

“Wai whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa…”

Maybe Biden should not use a teleprompter from now on, given that inspiring message. One social media commenter noted the sunglasses.

Such confidence and clarity! Also he’s so cool with those glasses! NOT

In addressing the “Well I’m at you” statement by Biden, one person who commented on the video suspected,

Biden was told to go to one specific reporter in the front row who would asked the softball question Biden prepped for. Instead, Biden got derailed by the question from a reporter at the back, then Biden went off the rails.

Another video commenter explained,

It’s like he had practiced a “we’re looking at you, Republicans” line, and then completely forgot what/how/where/why he was supposed to say it.

When the Media attacks

Biden has been under fire from his previously trustworthy and fawning press. Up until recently, the press has given Biden a pass. However, in his latest appearances, Biden has been called to task over his age and polling.

Dozens of videos now exist of reporters confronting Biden on his age and cognitive ability.

Reporters have every right to ask these questions of any head of state, but particularly Biden.

Check out the video below, and judge Biden’s mental state for yourself:


I’ve stated openly and often that Democrats have no choice but to jettison Biden. They selected him for the coup of Trump in 2020, in spite of Biden being a horrible choice. However, look at who was left.

Well over a dozen candidates, and the elites who run America chose the defective and corrupt Joe Biden to serve as their flunky.

Sadly for them, Joe Biden is too demented to represent them. The elites want candidates they can control, but the candidate must be able to play the part. Biden’s acting days are over.

Send in the clowns

I believe Democrats have already selected Gavin Newsom as heir-apparent to the throne. But like Biden, Newsom can’t win a legitimate election. And he faces headwinds, because Sista Girl Harris won’t give it up easily. I know, consider the irony of Harris not giving anything up for political gain. Psst.

Since Biden won’t last much longer, the Democrats should prepare America and the world for their sh*t show. On the other side of the aisle however, things are looking good for Trump.

Goldman Sachs CEO as well as a Silicon Valley billionaire have essentially warned Democrats to reconsider Trump. And stop underestimating the MAGA movement.

In a sign of the shift in the black vote, Snoop Dogg ended his fatwa on Trump, and recently kissed the ring. Snoop said he has no problem with Trump; pretty much a ringing endorsement.

Red flags wave everywhere, for Democrats as do white flags. Former anti-Trumpers recognize the Democrats for who they are. Abusers. And in the case of Biden, elder abusers.


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