Biden's Freudian Slip of the Tongue at NATO

Joe Biden is known for hitting on other men’s wives. In fact, that’s how he acquired Jill.

Old Joe coveted Jill from the moment he saw her with a friend of his. So what Joe was married with three children. He wanted what he wanted, and he wooed Jill from her husband.

As it turns out, Jill was the Biden children’s babysitter. So I suspect that Joe wanted her at a very early age. Thus, when the opportunity came for Joe to make good on a decades-old “jones”, he took it.

And while Joe and Jill strive to keep the actual details of their union a secret, Joe remains more than just a bit of a public scoundrel. Watch as Biden welcomes the wife of a subordinate by immediately putting his hands on her shoulders. And while her husband makes his remarks, Biden begins to publicly molest her.

I can only imagine how much the media would discuss this clip, if Trump had been the bad guy. But while this incident–one of many–is uncomfortable to watch, there is much more to evaluate.

Clearly, the Biden apple doesn’t fall far from the Biden family tree, as the entire family seem to obsess with sex. Our proof comes not from The Globe or The Enquirer, but from the Bidens’ themselves.

Aside from the multitude of video evidence on Joe, others in the family have documented the curious sexual dalliances of the Bidens.

Ashley Biden wrote in her diary about showering with her father. And not by choice. Further, she documented that she was so uncomfortable with the things her father did in the shower with her, she would wait until Biden fell asleep to shower, to prevent Old Joe from joining her.

But if Ashley documented her dealings with Daddy Dearest, Hunter was he family historian.

Hunter’s “laptop from Hell” could be a Tom Clancy spy novel, ghost-written by Penthouses’ Bob Guccione. In our novel, the protagonist is a crackhead with unlimited access to money and powerful people.

Hunter and other Biden family exploits will be discussed for centuries. And the content of Hunter’s laptop would make Caligula blush.

Aside from the crooked Biden family deals, Hunter appears with prostitutes and other women; some of whom may have been underage. But it’s not just pictures. Because Hunter made many videos of sexual acts with prostitutes and who knows who else.

Clearly one can see why the press was needed to run interference for this built for Springer family.

Joe blows his cover

After the debate, Democrats needed a get-well plan. Sadly for them that plan encompassed Joe Biden appearing in public. The wanted, no needed Biden in the public eye. They felt that Joe would redeem himself, and not have more Parkinson episodes. Wishful thinking, to say the least.

Joe blew it again. If you think Trump wants to grab women by the p*ssy, wait until you get a load of how Biden handles the wives of his NATO friends:

This is the new and improved Biden?

Democrats wanted Biden to do more public appearances. They felt that the more the public sees Biden, the more they will appreciate him. He could dispel all suspicions about his mental acumen. Then Biden reads “I realized I was f*ckin’ your wife”.

And here are the potential problems.

First, did Biden read this from the teleprompter? If so, can we give the person who loaded this into the teleprompter a medal?

This would man that Joe Biden intentionally read the statement. Further, he didn’t have that ability to know not to read it. That validates that Biden’s brain misfired.

And now the second possibility. Which is, I think Biden meant to say, “I was talking to your wife,” and the Tourette-like utterance occurred.

This poses another real problem. Because if Biden can’t even read without his mind going in the gutter, then that poses a different problem.

The latest of more to come

Joe Biden will be the gift that keeps on giving. Because the more he appears in public, the more tired he will get. His brain dysfunction will occur. So keep showcasing Biden. No matter how much Democrats try to hide his malady, Biden will in the words of Obama, [pp] “Figure out a way to f*ck it up!”


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