Kamala Harris Nuked Herself Biden and Walz – Part 2

Remember When Trump was looking for a VP?

I remember when Trump was looking for a VP. There was rampant speculation, and many names were being kicked around. Thankfully, Trump had lots of good candidates from which to choose. Here’s what I wrote earlier this year:

Many people wonder who President Trump will pick as his VP. Thankfully, unlike Democrats, Republicans have many good choices. But I know who Trump will pick.

Most of America is unconcerned about Trump’s VP over the next 4 years. However, they are concerned about post-Trump America.

Trump must do what most other Republican presidents failed to do: pick a VP who will carry on the tradition of the real Republican Party. Or what has been deemed MAGA.

At the time, I thought Trump might pick Marco Rubio, and for many of the reasons he ultimately picked Vance. Recall that Trump ridiculed Rubio during the 2016 primary. However, as my article clearly showed, like Vance, Rubio too had become a true fan of Trump’s work.

I said it then and I repeat, the majority of Trump voters didn’t care who he picked for VP. That said, I’m sure I speak for many in saying that I’m very impressed with Vance. And I hope he takes the time to learn from Trump.

Pence Bitten

Mike Pence was a pick made by the Republican establishment. And post-coup, you can bet that Trump was more directly involved in who would be his VP.

Ironically, he chose JD Vance, the man who openly disagreed with him which ended up serving Trump well. Trump chose a former contrarian to his views. He won Vance over. Already Vance has come a long way, going from anti-Trump to becoming Trump’s VP. That says a lot about both men.

When Trump is re-elected, I suspect he will change how VPs are perceived by giving Vance meaningful task, like Biden did by assigning Harris responsibility for the border. The only difference is Trump will hold Vance accountable. He will expect results for whatever assignments he gives to Vance. Honestly, I think Trump will consider it his responsibility to pass the torch. And based on Vance’s performances to date, I wouldn’t mind seeing this handoff in 4 years…after a righteous primary that gives all candidates a shot.

Vance is no Pence. Thank God. Republicans don’t need another stick-up-the-ass holier than thou RINO anywhere near the office of the presidency. And I relish in the fact that Pence can’t get over 3 percent of Republicans to support him, despite serving with one of the greatest president in modern times.

Pence’s political career is over. He’s not a “has-been”, but instead a “who’s that? A political pariah, and rightfully so.

What would JD Vance say if here were asked the same question as Harris?

I suspect that JD Vance knows his place with Trump. He wasn’t selected to be a “yes” man. His job is to advise the president on key issues, and come from another perspective. And he must be ready to lead in the event Trump can’t. So here is what I think JD Vance would say.

“The president and I have similar views on the critical things plaguing our country. We see the need for cheaper energy, as this would provide every America relief from the horrible policies of the Biden-Harris administration. By dealing with the energy issue, we can re-establish America’s independence from foreign oil, and because an energy exporter again. Also, we will replenish the Strategic Petroleum Reserves that Biden-Harris carelessly depleted.

Also, I am confident that the president and I agree that the invasion of illegals into America that has crippled our country in countless ways must stop. We must allow our legal immigration system to work, but more importantly we cannot allow drug dealers, terrorists, and human traffickers into our country any longer.

The president and I agree on America having a strong foreign policy. And in having such, we must address our trade policy and get America out of insane wars.

Look, the country has many problems, and as we all know there can be multiple solutions to problems.

Most of America knows and I said this during my debate with Tim Walz, but I was not a fan of President Trump at one point. But as I learned more about him and watched his approach to problem-solving, I reversed my position. I learned much from him, and that’s good for the country. But I think he would say that he picked me, because I’m not a “yes” man. And I confident that he will be willing to take my suggestions under advisement, when asked or offered”

Do you really want to imagine what Walz would have said?

And here’s a better question: “Would you ever vote for Walz to lead this country?”


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