The Tweet that Cost Millions

We’re all flawed, stumbling our way through life and falling short of the incredible gifts God grants us daily. Yet, in our imperfections, there are moments that define us—snapshots of courage, integrity, and the unwavering pursuit of what’s right. Those moments shape the best parts of who we are.

For me, one such moment happened when I was 12 years old, growing up in the Texas countryside. After my mother passed away, my grandparents raised me and instilled in me a deep respect for their authority—most of the time. But when principle was on the line, even at that age, I couldn’t let it slide.

That summer, I worked tirelessly to buy brand-new fishing gear. I treasured it like gold. So, you can imagine my fury when I arrived home one day and saw my gear casually tossed in the back of my grandfather’s truck. He’d borrowed it without asking—a cardinal sin in my young mind.

Without a second thought, I jumped out of the car before it even stopped, marched over to the truck, and started reclaiming my prized possessions. My protest was loud enough to drag my grandfather off the porch, and we had it out right there:

“This is my gear! I bought it! You had no right to touch it without my permission!”

“Well, then you don’t use any of my gear!”


My grandmother, the quiet observer, said nothing at the time but later pulled me aside to get my reasoning.

Normally in a situation like this, I would not have been able to walk for days after the punishment I would have received. While I hated getting my butt-whoopins as we called them, and I likely cried at every one of them at that age, I assure you that I wouldn’t have shed a single tear if my grandfather had “beat me into next week”, as they lovingly threatened from time to time.

In this instance, I stood firm. My older brother? Silence. He had simply grabbed his gear, put it away. He steered clear of the conflict.  Over the next few days, things quickly returned to normal, and the family essentially tucked the incident away.

Years passed, and I was visiting my brother and sister-in-law at their home, and we reminisced over the past. She mentioned the story of the fishing gear and its impact on my brother. Without recalling the context of the discussion, she said my brother confided in her that he had gained a huge level of respect for me that day. He saw my willingness to stand my ground, even against the authority of our grandfather. He couldn’t believe that his younger brother, a kid was so willing to act with courage and conviction.

Honestly, I had never really thought much about the incident until Peggy brought it up. To my brother, that incident was indelible; a defining moment that left a lasting impression.

We are who we are. Yes, but situations in life create us, define us. That fiery 12-year-old set the foundation for the man I’d become: flawed, but principled.

I stood on principle against Fox News, and it cost me. My most public loss? A single tweet that got me fired from Fox News—a decision that came with a price tag in the millions.

I lost job offers, endorsements, and countless opportunities. An executive at Fox News warned me–actually it was a veiled threat–that they would ruin me. But I felt the same way as I did when my grandfather took my gear. Would I take back what I tweeted? Not a chance. Some things are worth more than money.

I share this story because the world needs more people who stand up for what they believe, even when it costs them dearly. If you follow me, that’s who you’re following. If you sponsor me, that’s the kind of person you’re backing.

I’m not perfect, but I’m principled. And in a world where so many bow to convenience, I hope that still means something.

As we’ve just started a brand-new year and the massive change most of America voted for, let’s remember why we chose Donald Trump. For me, I got tired of the politicians lying and using us without shame. We’ve lived through two decades where the lies became the truth, and people seeking the truth were persecuted. The second Trump era allows us the chance to truly right the wrongs. I hope you join me in holding our politicians truly accountable moving forward.

As we move through the next year, I sincerely hope you get to know my work. I think you will see that I’m the real deal who will always choose principle over payout.



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