In an effort to protect the American public from its demented fake president, DHS will build a wall around Biden’s beach house.
Ironically, this wall to protect Americans from Biden will cost about the same amount as Biden hid from the IRS.
The New York Post reported that DHS awarded Turnstone Holdings LLC a $456,548 contract to purchase and install security fencing at the president’s Rehoboth home. Guesses are Biden wants to make sure that none of those illegals dare come near his beach front property, especially Cubans and Haitians who tend to come by sea.
Further, Biden wants to send a clear message to the 1.7 million illegals (a record high) poised to enter America, that they are not welcome in Rehomoth.
Enter Ted Cruz
Things may not go quite as Biden plans, if Ted Cruz has anything to say about it. Last week, Cruz introduced a bill that creates thirteen new ports of entry, effectively inviting illegals into Biden’s backyard.
Cruz recently told Hannity:
So the 13 ports of entry that my bill creates are Block Island, Rhode Island, Greenwich, Connecticut, Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Governors Island, New York, and Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, where Joe Biden likes to relax. Nantucket, Massachusetts, Newport, Rhode Island, Scarsdale, New York, Palo Alto, California, Yountville, California, which is, of course, where the French laundry is, where Gavin Newsom likes to party it up when he forces other people to shut down. St. Helena, California, as you mentioned, North Hero, Vermont, where Bernie Sanders has one of his vacation homes. And, you know, Sean, you live in the craziness that is Manhattan. How exactly do you think the rich stuck up liberals in Nantucket or Martha’s Vineyard would react if they saw 10,000, 20,000, 50,000, 100,000 illegal aliens being dropped off week after week in the vineyard?”
I’d pay money to see Cruz’ bill in action. Imagine the money we could raise if people paid $10 a pop just to see the faces of these leftist when their home invasions begin. Especially when you consider that one of Biden’s first actions in office was halting construction of former president Donald Trump’s border wall, you really get a clear picture of Captain Demento.
And if more irony is needed, Homeland Security canceled remaining contracts for building the wall just this month.
I recently pointed out:
While Biden refuses to finish Trump’s big beautiful border wall, more than a hundred million dollars in materials is just sitting there. Rotting. Even an idiot would hold some kind of auction and work to recover the cost of materials. But Biden is a special kind of stupid, and the $83 billion of military equipment that remains in Afghanistan proves it.
So while America faces a border crisis, Joe Biden strengthens his border. The focus on his personal security might explain why Biden hasn’t visited the border since he was elected president. Biden commented recently,
“I haven’t had a whole hell of a lot of time to get down.”
Priorities, right. Gotta focus on those New World Order vaccine mandates first. Make America Suck Again.